screwed over by


Active member
Jul 1, 2005
Boscobel, wi
well guys there was a viper on the crashed toys auction and i bid $1300 on it on monday night and tuesday morning i looked and the auctions were all ended and it said i was the winning bidder and $1300 was my winning bid. heres the email i recieved

the subjuct was "Item won notification 2002 yamaha SXViper

and here's the message

Congratulations! You are the winner of StockNumber CT07-104. Your winning bid
was $1300. Please contact Crashedtoys at 651-430-3306 to make arrangements for
payment and shipping. Payment will only be accepted as cash, cashier check,
money order, bank draft, or wire transfer. NO PERSONAL CHECKS OR CREDIT CARDS.
This item is subject to a $125.00 buyers fee.

All Items sold to Minnesota residents are subject to Sales Tax and Licensing
Fees where applicable. Non residents are required to pay tax on any vehicle that
cannot be registered for road use unless they are a dealer. If you are a dealer
you must present your dealer license even if we have it on file. Tax is required
on all parts sales. It is your responsibility to contact Crashedtoys. A $7 a day
storage fee will be assessed to your credit card after 7 days unless special
arragements are made. Once an item has been paid and 7 days have past a $7 a day
storage fee will be asssesed. Failure to pay for the item, or pick it up will
result in a $500 fee assessed to your credit card. Thank you for using!

so i called them up tonight to make payment arrangements and pickup and they say the auctions ended before they wanted them to and they reopened all the auctions for tuesday and i was outbid by 1 $25 increment. They told me on the phone it was my responsibility to check and bid on the item again if i wanted. i said why would i check and bid again if i got a email saying i won it and i looked at the closed item viewer and it said i was the winner. they pretty much told me to bad for you should have looked and bid again if you wanted even though you got the email and i got no email saying they ended them to soon and reopened the auctions. then i told them since they messed up they should give me and the guy who outbid me the option to see who is willing to pay the most and sell it to that person. they pretty much said to bad you don't get the sled even though we screwed up have a nice day and goodbye. i am pissed about this i mean if you look and it sais you won it and you get an email saying to pay for it why would you check and see if they decided to open the auction again. i am pissed i would have bid more and i thought this is a legal contract between buyer and seller when the auction ends even if it ends before you want it to you can't break the contract and open the auction again.
should i send that email back to them even though it will do no good.
in my eyes you own that sled, take them to court. i know it will be hard but as long as you have the original email saying you won i think its a contract.
ya i thought about it but i'm sure by the time we get a court date any everything that sled will have already been picked up by the other guy and i won't ebd up getting it anyhow. plus i don't know if it's worth the time or money to go to court over it. but all it needed was a skid a chaincase and a driveshaft if igure i would have had the sled done for around $1800
Ive bought several toys from them and have always been content. Yes I agree you should take it to court. If anything its for the principal of the thing. Sounds like they must have has a computer error that ended the auctions at the wrong time
Rake them over the coles! That is totally rude of them and they are not going to be in business much longer if they are that greedy for $25 bucks!
I vote take them to court.

Not sure about your auction place, but if it is anything like EBAY you can put a BAD description to the sellers name...that usually screws them up good......

If I was not clear I meant the rating of the seller.....

And if you want give us the auction site and we all can do a bit of mischeif on it......
They may let you have it because it isn't worth going to court for only $25 bucks. they said it was sold to you, and had a responability to notify you of anything different. The email they sent you is a binding contract, no matter what they say. Don't waste time let them know right now you are going to pusue this in court, and that your atterny said it is a no brainer case and that you will win. Notify them imediately. Maxdlx
Can't help but agree with the rest of them, but you may have to read through their fine print really well to make sure they don't have a loop hole. It really boils down to how much do you really want the sled.
wanting the sled doesn't mean $hit. We run an auction co, and alot of people are scared to do business with auction co, just because of crap like this. We take pride in how we do business, and these people should be ashamed of the way they are doing business. They give everyone in the auction buz a bad name. Maxdlx
That's bs.. Looked like a helluva deal..

When did you think it closed I noticed on their website
"When do auctions close?
Auctions always close at noon on Tuesdays or 5 minutes after the last bid, whichever comes last."
Does the auction system send me an email when I get outbid?
Yes, although on Tuesdays the email may get delayed or your email account might filter the outbid notice as spam.
i looked at 7:00 in the morning and it said i had won it and i had the email. i don't know why but there auctions all ended at 3 in the morning. i checked at 8:00 pm monday night and it said it had 7 hours left and then i checked at 11:00 p.m and it said there was 4 hours left so the auction clock ran down just like normal it's not like something went haywire and it ended all the auctions right then. the auction clock ran out and i was the high bidder when it ran out. it's not my fault they accidentally set there clocks to end at 3 a.m instead of noon. the auction ran out and i was the winner and that's all there is to it. say if i listed an item on ebay and i wanted it to go for 7 days and i accidentally put in 5 days and it ended 2 days before i wanted it to and somebody won the item it isn't like i can reopen my aiuction for two more days and break a legal contract so i don't see how they can do it. crashedtoys will be getting another call tomorrow
montynormand said:
Ive bought several toys from them and have always been content. Yes I agree you should take it to court. If anything its for the principal of the thing. Sounds like they must have has a computer error that ended the auctions at the wrong time

i have dealt with them before also. in about march of 2005 i bought a 2002 viper with 1900 miles on it from them. i won it for $2475 and all it needed was a trailing arm and left bellypan. i picked it up on the way up north. i reinforced the trailing arm and rode it like that 250 miles. the sled now has 2800 miles and i haven't even fixed it and it has been great. sled was very clean and i thought them to be a good company now after this i am questioning how good they actually are
If I recall correctly - is only a broker for the insurance companies. They make there money on the % of sell price, along with some handling charges.
They might have a set price per item. Not a percentage.

I have had that happend before with another auction company. Check the fine print. They probably have it covered because it is an online thing. If for some reason they lost any time while it was selling, there system was down for 2 minutes then they might be able to relist. Its all in the fine print, check that first.

Might want to contact them and let them know your lawyer is reading the contract documents and you will be getting back to them on this issue.

Just to see what happends. If they dont have it covered you might get lucky! But then again, they might add something to the gas, or run into it with a fork truck before you pick it up?? Familyman
