Does head gasket mod do anything for the burble?


New member
Jan 5, 2006
Cadillac, Michigan
I've read tons of info on the burble on here but I want to confirm that this will help to clear up the burble. Does anyone know if it will (the head gasket mod)? I did the reed spacers hoping it would cure it and so far I haven't gotten rid of it. From all the stuff I've read about it it's caused by rich pilots. Is that correct? So far with my recent battle with getting my pipes to run right at part throttle it seems that the more I leaned out the pilots the more it went away but I still have it. I think that was part of the problem I was having with my pilots too. I was trying to gauge whether it was too rich or not based on the "burble". The leaner I went the better it got. And I know that doing the notch is supposed to help too but I've read that that doesn't totally cure it either. Is there a way to totally eliminate it?

Edit: I forgot to mention that I lowered my needles when the sled was stock to clear that up somewhat too, but I can't do that now since I put the pipes on.
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let me know, I think you only use 1 layer of gasket, either top or bottom piece. My wifes '00 sxr 700 has this burble and I hate it!!! SHE notices it, I have a spacer kit on the way I hope it helps, I hate to mess with head gaskets!!! My '99 polaris 700 twin did this....reeds, boost bottle and venturi spacers and about $300 later it was fine!!!!! I hope this won't need all that! :o|
Well I got it apart but I didn't get it back together yet. I ended up dipping into the sauce last night and got lazy ;):D I didn't have any high tack gasket spray. I'm guessing since no one else has responded that they think I'm out in left field. And maybe I am... :bash: I was gonna do the head gasket mod anyway eventually because I love "free" power. But I'm gonna use two layers since I have pipes. Not sure if I need to or not but I'll play it safe this time around and use two. My guess is it's not gonna do anything for the burble. But one can hope...
Tell me about it my wife and I went to St Germain a couple weeks ago and the trails were like all ICE!!! No studs and new carbides and we drove the woods SLOOOOOOOOWWWW!!! I got to here her whine all week about it. After 5k or about 30mph its gone. So far I have adjusted the fuel screws a little and it hardly helped but at least the plugs stay clean down low!!!! Reed spacer is on the way. I hope it helps. I may do canister and head mod also. I am just paranoid about going lean and what gas to run.
