Why does????


New member
Aug 19, 2006
Livonia, MI
01 and 02 SRX CDI have the same part# if the 02 have the DCS option???? Does the DCS not run off CDI in anyway or whats the deal here cause I'm lost????

There was a post awhile ago about this i think, i thought it was a mistake or something Yamaha made. The DCS from what i've heard on here does work through the cdi box, the 02 has more wires coming out of it or something. I forget the exact post on here but i definately remember there was one about this exact question.
change_up said:
Yea the part # is a typo by Yamaha. The 2002 has an extra pin for the DCS to operate on. They don't interchange.

So they have the same plug size and part# but there not interchangeable, is that correct??? I'm kinda worried now, cause I bought a used CDI but the guy sent me a 00(DN-10) thinking is was a 01. But he is now sending me a DN-20, one plug white the other black. I'll keep my fingers crossed now, cause I really wanna convert to a 01 CDI to toss the crazy timing of the Vipers box.
I BELIEVE that the 8DN-10 is the correct CDI, but i am not 100%. I think the 98 and 99's used the same CDI, and then the change over to the 300W ignition in 2000 required a new CDI, which is why there is a 10 on the 8DN-10 instead of a 00 (8DN-00). I believe that is right, but someone will chime in if its not.
98-99 the same, 2000 DN-10 one large plug and one small, 2001 DN-20 the one I need 2 large plugs that are the same size, then 02 had same plug size as the 01 but had the DCS option.

I need a 2001 SRX CDI thats all I know.
Not too sure... MrViper had a few posts on the topic that the 01 and 02 cdi were different and won't interchange. From what I got out of it was that the plugs were slihgtly different being that the 02 had one extra pin for the DCS, but I could be wrong. All I know is they won't interchange.
