CB Performance drop bracket installation??


VIP Member
May 2, 2003
I just got these and I take it I drill out the factory rivets and take off the stock reinforcing mounting plate for the rear axle
then install the new drop brackets.
drop center shaft 1-1/2" = 3" in rear
center shaft 1" = 2" rear
can I drill both center shaft holes with out that being a issue????
or do I need to pick one and live with it?

PS. should the new mounting hole be drilled straight down from the OE hole?
Marty drill 1 hole at 1.25 inches it will work. drop the center hole straight down, then make sure your rear hole is exactly the same distance before you secure it tight. Yes the stock plates come out. Paul
measure from the front suspension bolt to the rear and
make the new hole the same distance?
so will the plate be tipped foward?
maxdlx said:
Marty drill 1 hole at 1.25 inches it will work. drop the center hole straight down, then make sure your rear hole is exactly the same distance before you secure it tight. Yes the stock plates come out. Paul

"rear hole is exactly the same distance"
measuring where? for side to side? from center shaft hole?
if you measure from the front axle @ 27-1/8 and then go down 3" and mark 27-1/8 the bracket hole wont work?
looks to me all the holes have to go straight down and each measurement between bolts will get a little larger from the radius measuring off the front suspension bolts.
I think I might be over thinking this but I hear so much about the suspension binding and I dont want that!
it might be a little, but if you don't keep the center to center exact as possible it will bind. Paul
