Snow In Marquette Michigan


New member
Oct 31, 2006
You only got 8" out in little lake? I think there was quite a bit more than that in Negaunee. I hear Marquette/Harvey got about a foot? I haven't been out on the trails yet, but I hope to get out this afternoon. It is snowing very hard again right now.
Would Love To Ride Today Except I Have To Do This Damm Work Thing Today. Still Snowing Alot Here. Gonna Definetly Go For A Ride Tonight After Work. Haveing My Tunnel Welded Back Up From My Little Miss Hap Earlier This Week. Hit The Damm Railrode Tracks And Bent My Tunnel And Trailing Arm. Got The Arm Fixed And Dent Taken Out Of Tunnel. So Today Afterwork I Should Be Able To Have Some Fresh Powder To Play In.
yeah, out here in gwinn we got quite a bit, i would say between 10-12 inches and still coming down hard. Just was up on the roof shoveling that off.

Hopefully can get out and do some shredding myself this afternoon.
We just got 8" on top of almost 18" from last weekend. A few counties west they got 18" last night. I wish I could ride, but my engine is on the bench while I wait for parts.
sorry to hear that jeffro. seems like when we dont have much snow things are good and as soon as the snow flies, something always gotta break. go figure the luck !!
Ah geez; tell me the snow will last 'til Wed-my brother and I ride with guys out of Sagola-we have canclled the trip twice already this season due to poor snow-please please please tell me it will stay long enough to ride next weekend.
big man 76, we just rode south to arnold today and i must say that there is more snow down there than i have ever seen down there before.

In the woods there has got to be an easy 24" and probably up to 36" in spots, once these trails get groomed they will be wonderful.
We have been out playing steady since last night. I stay mostly off the trails and boondock the logging roads. South of town off the Gwinn trail was great tonight. We busted a lot of powder today. If you get out to the old speedway towards the airport, check out the highmark I left up the hill by the bleachers. I made it to the top of that sucker!
I was out on the trails yesterday. About beat me to death. So bad in fact that I turned around and went home. My Viper is pretty worthless off trail when it gets deep. GwinnRaptor, you stop in and say Hi to Gary knotty pine? I need to ride out there one day. Never made it all the way to Arnold on my sled.

Here is my back yard. Was almost bare a week ago.


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yep, said hi to gary. Believe it or not this was only our second ride down there this year.

He said it has been a pretty rough year so far for him. they havent had hardly any snow all year, in fact last time we rode down there the last few miles of the trail was severely bad, lots of gravel. It was alot different this trip.
gwinnraptor-I see that you have been TWEAKED BY too are associated with the garage of knowledge?? Frank works on my sleds and I ride with him when I can. I've probably seen you at his place...maybe. He rides a lot with my brother and my good friend...Mutti (Tundra) and the FATKID (RMK).
powder bound

whats happenin fellas! crazy weekend riding with the clan, mutti was on the mountain max and good thing mike, i think the tundra woulda been strugglin!!! the snow is insane deep in the trees, overall we had a blast! rode the plains on saturday and around towards the big hole on sunday.....shit was intense.
let it snow!
bolin22 said:
whats happenin fellas! crazy weekend riding with the clan, mutti was on the mountain max and good thing mike, i think the tundra woulda been strugglin!!! the snow is insane deep in the trees, overall we had a blast! rode the plains on saturday and around towards the big hole on sunday.....shit was intense.
let it snow!

Sounds like it was quite a good time. Heard you had the stuck of the day with just your hand grip sticking out of the snow being all that was to be seen of the viper. If my sled is ready this weekend or next, I will be in MQT to ride the plains.
awesome cant wait to see ya....they are callin for a few more inches this week so should be great riding
yoopermike: yes frank does all the engine / clutchwork to my sled. he also does the motor work for my raptor too. The guy is great with quads and sleds, he really knows his stuff.
I dont ride with frank, him and his buddies boondock and backcountry ride, my sled isnt set up for i mainly stick to trails. They dont hardly ever ride a trail. This summer i do plan on going for a ride or two with frank on the wheelers...i need him to show me some more trails back in the plains and back behind the speedway.

hey brock, you gonna have a quad this summer? did frank ever sell the mtn max of his?
He decided to keep the max, as far as I know. He found the limitations of the new Phazer Mtn lite when he was up towards Big Bay earlier this winter and said he couldn't get rid of Big Blue.
I was just checking out Franks Max last week. He had it with him at work. Sure a good looking sled for all them miles!
