next step to hop up 2000 SRX


New member
Sep 26, 2003
I have just upgraded to a 2000 SRX from a ported 98. I am wondering what I should do to tweak this one as I did the 98. Does it need transfer rods still even though they went to a better design? I am running heelclickers and am geared down one to 22 on top. What about jetting? I remember one year they were saying to actually jet up to get more hp. Any motor mods besides porting?Any other tips would be greatly appreciated. It is also studded.
I never heard of anyone jetting their machines up to gain more HP, unless you do it to compensate for another mod, like bored carbs, or gutted airbox, actually the leaner you make your jetting the more Horse Power you will make (on a 2 stroke) right up to where you melt your pistons........... :cry:
I think the jetting spec change was to the '01's, and they did have some burn downs with stock jetting in COLD temps.

Check out Turk's set up for HC"s,. good luck!
Set up

Transfer rods are fun on an SRX - I have a set of Max. with 192 studs when fully adjusted the hookup is marvelous. The only draw back is increased hyfax. They can be difficult to adjust when the suspension is iced up - so I usually have them set in the middle on long trips.

Engine mods are good - but if you can shave a few pounds off the beast that will help, particularly if you modify the front suspension.

If it was me - I would drive the piss out of the sled and keep your money in your pocket.

A 03 Firecat F7 will smoke your sled - it has similar ponies, 2-stroke pull out of the hole, better flotation, and weighs 100 pounds less.
Get a Tempa flow and jet to the 01 specs.150,148.8,148.8 and your plugs will look perfect all the time.You can have the heads cut .010 to give it a little more power.I would get some transfer rods if your wanting to drag race your buddies.They still help.
I would definatly put transfer rods on it i have the benders on my 01 srx there awsome and i don't get why you gyus keep saying and F-7 is the fastest blah blah blah it will smoke ur srx i bet your srx will smoke an F7 it just has a better holeshot and with it dialed in right for transfer it wont touch an srx all the way through the run i have experience with quite a few f7's there nothing to worry about they are quick but i wouldnt call them real fast

AN F7 and SRX are both 2 strokes!

Also, the F7 will come close to you with, I don't think smoke would be a good decription - I think they wil be even - both have the same power levels and weight is not as mucha factor as you may think. It's all in the setup.
well then my srx smokes them and has been properly setup for my weight there nothing after 60 mph here ya go take of from a 115 mph roll ull be sure to beat it cuz they dont go that fast they are just quick no where near even on top end if you can find one to race more then 500 ft not trashing the sled its a good looking good bump sled good power.nothing keeps up with an srx nothing does yet except the rx 1 but you gotta go more then 500 ft like 2 mile and alot of people run there sleds to the edge so they wont go the full length i say jet it to 01 specs and ride it
