Precisions on 136" Viper, still darting - need help!


New member
Nov 19, 2005
Installed Precisions on my 136" longtracked M10'ed 02 Viper. Still getting a fair bit of darting, noticeable switching back and forth from the Viper and my MXZ with Precisions. Doesn't matter which one is in the lead; the Viper is much worse. Adding more preload to the front suspension springs helps some, but not enough. I'm using the Viper ski rubbers with the skim fix still installed. Any ideas? Thanks.

How was it with your stock skis?The people I've spoken with either love or hate precisions and some have complained of severe darting.It does seem odd especially when you have your ski stopers shimmed,make sure your alignement is correct.That can make any ski dart bad.What year mountain max is your tunnel extension from.Just curious as we spoke of long tracked m-10's some time back.
SWEDE said:
How was it with your stock skis?The people I've spoken with either love or hate precisions and some have complained of severe darting.It does seem odd especially when you have your ski stopers shimmed,make sure your alignement is correct.That can make any ski dart bad.What year mountain max is your tunnel extension from.Just curious as we spoke of long tracked m-10's some time back.
Haven't had a chance to take a picture yet for you. Will in the next couple of days. I'm using the 01-02 Mountain Max extension. Put an 03 Mountain Viper rear cooler in today. Has the correct diameter to connect to the stock Viper coolant hoses and the rivet holes and bleed screw location matched perfectly to the MM extension. The stock Viper skis were almost free of darting since I longtracked it, but I had bought the precisions before I did the conversion but hadn't installed them. I was expecting them to take out the final amount of darting, but for some reason they are actually worse, which shouldn't be.
I've heard some people theorize that they were great at first because few people were running them, but after 4 years straight of putting them on there sleds and doo being no. 1 in market share theres just too many of them making the same track and you are right back to darting.Interesting that doo changed for '06 or was that because of the lawsuit from simmons?I think I am going to put on c&a's or slp when I do my 136" conversion.
That's only true to a point. In certain conditions the precisions will kinda follow another set, but most times it's no problem. And they don't follow near as bad as a set of single runners. I switched back and forth from the Viper to the ZX, and the ZX was always much better whether in front or behind. I may see if the rubber blocks on the ZX will fit in the Viper spindles, to eliminate that as the problem. Wish I had a spare set cause they may require trimming. They say the Pilots were the next step for Ski-doo, but I'm sure the lawsuit had something to do with it.
No perfect solution I guess huh?I have been using Bergstrom carbides, ski savers and his shims for years.This setup works fairly well and is cheaper than aftermarket skis, but still is'nt as good as some of the aftermarket profiles. Another reason why I want to replace my stockers is because there so narrow, something like 5 in. at center and tapered narrower front and back.
bluehammer said:
It could be that you have too much preload on the skis. Go the other way with it and see what happens.

That was the first thought that came to me too. Tried that and it actually made it worse. One thing I did notice during installation is that the Yamaha rubber block rides on a flat surface, where the Precisions have an area cut out of the mount where the ski-doo rubber block fits in. Can't really see how this would affect darting, but............
I noticed my wife's 97 sx darting the first ride of the season. Somehow, the skis were aligned incorrectly. I adjusted according to yami (1/2" out in the front of the ski) and it's fine since. My wife and I both have simmons on our yami's and can't believe how straight they are. I considered slp and usi for mine and finally broke down and got simmons. Another friend just put the woody's dual carbide on his stock ski and improved the darting significantly.
trapow33 said:
I noticed my wife's 97 sx darting the first ride of the season. Somehow, the skis were aligned incorrectly. I adjusted according to yami (1/2" out in the front of the ski) and it's fine since. My wife and I both have simmons on our yami's and can't believe how straight they are. I considered slp and usi for mine and finally broke down and got simmons. Another friend just put the woody's dual carbide on his stock ski and improved the darting significantly.

Ya, I'm at a lost here. I aligned and shimmed the stock Viper skis last spring, and they were near perfect the last ride I had on them. I came home, put the precisions on, and now I have more darting then the day before. Can't be an alignment problem, or the stock skis would have been darting the ride before. I'll check the alignment, but I confident that's not it.
