Picked up a 95 Vmax-4 today. 4600 miles. Owner said he has owned it since 2000 miles. Stated that when he baught it, it had some minor mod work done to it. He claims he restored it all to stock.
While changing the plugs, I noticed there were some shims at the plug hole son the head. The 2 outer plugs had red shims. The middle PO side had 2 silver ones and the other middle plug had 1 shim.
Can someone explain why these are there and why they need to be there?
Also, any ideas where I can get a stock secondary for this sled?
While changing the plugs, I noticed there were some shims at the plug hole son the head. The 2 outer plugs had red shims. The middle PO side had 2 silver ones and the other middle plug had 1 shim.
Can someone explain why these are there and why they need to be there?
Also, any ideas where I can get a stock secondary for this sled?
these rings are for indexing the plugs for optimal burn point in the chambers, these will not hurt anything, as for the secondary, someone correct me if I am wrong but 1997 and up secondary clutches will fit the vmax 4 800, I have a stock helix if you need one.
Is there a problem if I remove the rings? What's the downside?
I'd be interested in knowing if 97 and up secondary will fit?
I'd be interested in knowing if 97 and up secondary will fit?
Zachalyse said:Is there a problem if I remove the rings? What's the downside?
I'd be interested in knowing if 97 and up secondary will fit?
No problem on removing the indexing washers, none that I know of.
You need to find a 95-97 Vmax-4 secondary or a 95-96 Vmax 500/600 secondary and have some slight machining done to it.
Where would I find info. on the machining needed?
I did a search and found this one: http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=16974
The plug indexing washers are designed to align the plug electrodes with the new fuel charge. While there is a benefit on a 4 stroke engine, it doesn't really help a 2 stroke due to the resonant charge that comes with a tuned pipe. They were likely trying to get every bit of HP out of the old girl as was possible. The colors denote the particular thickness of the washer. You change washer sizes until the electrodes are aligned the way you want them.