michigan weekend trip


New member
Feb 6, 2007
farmington, mn
just got back in town from a weekend at timbers resort on gogebic. Arrived there
about 6pm friday, road the loop down and around the westside
of gogebic, then headed to the cabin, to unload the rest of gear. the trails are
awesome, the snowdepth is well over two feet. Saturday came, and we headed
up to pat's yamaha in greenland, then made are way over to the "lake in the clouds", which is a staple of our trip. Blasted down the race track from the mtn.
top and headed tward a 660 foot race that ended up being canceled. So like
any other wanna be racer we tore up the track. suprisingly there were very
few rides this weekend, which for safety reasons, made for stable mph. today
arived with a quick ride to the root cellar for lunch, and alot of playing on the
eastside of the lake. on that side of gogebic there's enough snow to lay the
sled on its side and learn how to drift. Can't wait for the next trip. Oh be the
way the srx's broke 1. broke rear axle 2. a bolt worked its way out of the chain
case. both were relitively easy fixes. go yammy.
