New member
Well, the bug finally got to my 700 srx this weekend. After a great day of riding on saturday, blue began dying at approx 40 mph. The temp light was coming on, but the sled was not overheating (I'm sure). We limped back and unplugged the temp sensor and it ran fine for awhile. But on Sunday we took a 6 mile test ride and the engine shut off a few times (with the temp sensor unplugged) when I would go to hammer it. But on the way back, I had full power, ran 60-80 mph down a long straight road, stopped a few times, hammered it, and everything was ok. Went back out and started dying again with any attempt to "hammer" it. My question is fhat the wuck? I think maybe it's a bad temp sensor (I have a spare). But seriously, what happens when you unplug the sensor? Would this cause the engine to die with a sudden increase to rpm? Does the 98 srx 700 have a thermostat? I know the wife's 97 sx doesn't. I have 2 weeks to get blue running again and would like to go over 38 mph. And I'm tired of our "CAT" freinds making yami jokes!
New member
My self i would not run it with out it attached, fix the problem don't band-aid it..,
is the light flashing or staying on solid??
is the light flashing or staying on solid??
New member
Light is flashing and would kill the engine when it came on.
New member
Have you checked the wire harness for rub through?, there known for that.
New member
What wire harness? Will the srx's shut off if it thinks it's overheating? One guy I ride with guessed wiring, the other thinks it's the temp sensor. Me, I'm not mechanically enclined enough to know.
New member
no it souldn't shut down..
you can test the sender too.
no it souldn't shut down..
you can test the sender too.
New member
i'm wondering if I have 2 problems. The motor dying could be an electrical problem and the temp light could be something alltogether different. Will consult shop manual for electrical specs and check everything to see if I can find the needle in the haystack. If I can keep the motor from dying, the temperature light should be easy.
Active member
yup first thing to do would definately be to check out your main wiring harness, they all rub through eventually in the area of the rear mag side motor mount and can cause all sorts of wacky things. Gotta individually wrap each wire in electrical tape, and then wrap the whole harness in 1/2" plastic convolute or wire loom.