How loose of a track is too loose?

Vmax Al

New member
Dec 9, 2004
Farmington, MI
I have a 1.25x 136" 9834 Predator and extrovert drivers and I am running it extremly loose right now, probably 3 inches of sag at the center. I know a lot of guys say to run it "as loose as possible" without slipping but with extroverts it seems almost impossible.

Any other problems I could be asking for running it that way?

3" seems to be alot of track hanging. Not sure if it will hurt anything, I don't have a 136. Someone should chime in with information.
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If I let mine run too loose it ballons up and hits the tunnel which scrubs alot of top end. If it gets that loose you can see the black rubber on the tunnel protectors. You have to find that sweet spot between friction on the skid and hitting the tunnel.
I had to loosen mine way up cause it was burning up my hyfax. It seems very loose when in the air but must be when it`s on the ground it gets tighter. I have like 2 inches of sag but it doesnt jump or hit my tunnel protectors.
I'm running my 156" with about 1.5" of sag. Anything more than that and I can get racheting when WOT spin digs down and hooks something. Loose is good but you need to factor in your riding style. Too loose and you will start to experience the problems in some of the other posts. Hope this helps.
I would say that is too loose, your going to have track slap on your
tunnle, 1.5 to 2" of sag is good...
Thanks for the tips.
I ride 70% trail and have yet to have it rachet on or off trail, but I have had it hit the tunnel. I am not running protectors, didn't want to trim the new track to clear and with no studs I wasn't concerned.

I will tighten some and see what the difference is, hope to gain some top end, figured loose was fast, guess that only applies to Nascar, ha.

Thanks again
V-max Al, are those c&a skis and what version? Just curious how you liked them as I am thinking of those or slp's when I 136" mine next fall.I am thinking of running the same track, I have a ripsaw now, but am thinking of trying the predator.
I run mine pretty loose also, but that does seem extreme.
Ive heard of tracks jumping to the side of the rear Idlers and locking up against the tunnel.
SWEDE said:
V-max Al, are those c&a skis and what version? Just curious how you liked them as I am thinking of those or slp's when I 136" mine next fall.I am thinking of running the same track, I have a ripsaw now, but am thinking of trying the predator.

They are C&A Advantage X's, I have 8" Bottomline carbides on them. I really like them, definite upgrade from the 5.5" Yamaha OEM's I had. I was surprised how well they float and they don't seem to throw as much powder at me as the OEM. They are good on the trail as well and keep up with the 136".

As for the track, I think most say that the Ripsaw is better on trail but the Predator is better off and ok on. I have no complaints other than on ice but that is more due to the fact that I have been riding with a studded track on all my previous sleds with the exception of the the '73 338, ha.
i am running about 3" of sag on my fathers rx1 mnt 151" and it soesnt skip in the deep or rub the tunnel at any speeds. on my viper i got about 1.5" it doesnt skip but does slightly rub the tunnel because my track is to big. i think as long as it doesnt skip or rub you are good.
viper7mi said:
sorry about the (rack) part, I ment to say track of course.
Next time include a picture of the "rack" so that we are all clear!! :rofl:
