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Spark Plug Cap Question **Fixed Bogging and Hard Starting**
Hello This might be a stupid question but I've been having problems with cylinders not firing and I pulled the spark plug caps off and checked the resistance on them and one of them gave me 4.4 K Ohms and the other two gave me nothing the same as if the leads wern't touching I have a digital volt meter and when its set to ohms it shows a 1 and if you connect the leads it shows 0.00 and the other two shows the 1 like there not connected. Do you think this would cause cylinders not firing and which ones can I buy to replace this ones? Do I have to buy the caps from the dealer?I have a 97 700 MM. thank you
Hello This might be a stupid question but I've been having problems with cylinders not firing and I pulled the spark plug caps off and checked the resistance on them and one of them gave me 4.4 K Ohms and the other two gave me nothing the same as if the leads wern't touching I have a digital volt meter and when its set to ohms it shows a 1 and if you connect the leads it shows 0.00 and the other two shows the 1 like there not connected. Do you think this would cause cylinders not firing and which ones can I buy to replace this ones? Do I have to buy the caps from the dealer?I have a 97 700 MM. thank you
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New member
The caps in question might have already been replaced with non-resister caps. NGK makes both types. I have had better luck with factory caps in watercraft applications.
spark plug caps ahould read 5K ohms. (5000 ohms)
New member
Get all 3 new, you can get NGK ones for about $3 each. The 2 that show nothing are open and bad. Now if he said they read the same when the wire are touching well then they'd be non-resistor. These 2 are bad, be safe do all 3.
I didn't think it was possible, but I had mine go bad this past summer. Couldn't figure out why no spark. Ended up being a $5 fix and a $100 meter to find it.
New member
Well I picked up 3 new NGK spark plug caps with 5k resistance and put them in the sled is ripping better then it has since I bought the sled. This fixed my bogging problem that I have had since I bought the sled. It also has been fouling plugs out too, not anymore since changing caps. My backfiring problem is gone and It starts on the first or second pull when cold, before it was like 5 to 7 pulls when cold.
I suggest everyone with bogging problems and backfiring check the resistance in your plug caps, Very easy to do and also very cheap thing to do. I was about to start pulling my stator out thinking that was the problem.
I suggest everyone with bogging problems and backfiring check the resistance in your plug caps, Very easy to do and also very cheap thing to do. I was about to start pulling my stator out thinking that was the problem.
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i had the same problem on 93 exciter sx. replaced $$$ of parts with the same bog ,poor mileage and poor performance.last thing i replaced was the plug caps and man what a performance gain !!! everybody should check theirs just for the hell of it.if you are not reading 5k ohms --replace it and hang on!!!