"bored silencer" is it worth it?

I did it to mine and I'd definitely do it again. It supposedly gains you a couple horsepower. Someone checked it on a dyno and if I remember right it gained like 2 horsepower.
i did it on mine and thought it was too loud - had to find a stock silencer to put back on it. That was my experience.
I had a videoclip SOMEWHERE where I did it on my wifes sxr. she likes it, but on a long ride it gets to be droning for her. I dont mind it, sounds nice. rea;;y just a burbly and deep tone
I love the sound of it, and it does gain 2 horsepower, as verified by sxrsist. Best part is that unless you really know your yammies, it is completely undetectable to others (including law enforcement and your buddies). Definately a good mod, and goes very well with reed spacers/reed stopper notch and the thin head gasket, along with some good clutching and 142 main jets.
yep lots of tripples runnin around with a little more braaaap!....i think it sounds great! Drill it, you wont be dissapointed.
