What is my SXR worth?


New member
Oct 3, 2006
New Hampshire
Hi all, debating on selling my 2002 SXR 600 triple with 2000 miles on it. Sled is in very good condition, no scratches or anything. Am looking at buying an 05 MXZ500SS...but who knows.
I would say something like $2800 or so, but it depends heavily on location and condition, the market really sucks right now for selling, as you can see by my 2001 SRX for sale in the classifieds that is going to be have to be given away if i want to get rid of it.
yamaholic22 said:
I would say something like $2800 or so, but it depends heavily on location and condition, the market really sucks right now for selling, as you can see by my 2001 SRX for sale in the classifieds that is going to be have to be given away if i want to get rid of it.

You don't know how bad I want that thing. I'm kicking myself in the head right now because I just dumped at least $1700 into my SXR.
:o| I wish I would have just saved the money and bought your SRX but you either didn't have it for sale yet or I hadn't seen it yet when I started spending.
Yama49601 said:
You don't know how bad I want that thing. I'm kicking myself in the head right now because I just dumped at least $1700 into my SXR.
:o| I wish I would have just saved the money and bought your SRX but you either didn't have it for sale yet or I hadn't seen it yet when I started spending.

Yea that sounds like a good representation of my luck, and obviously yours as well, lol. I should just put it in my front yard with a fence around it and make it a monument. The thing really is such a great sled thought, that's what the kicker is. The more and more i think about it the more im thinking about just keeping it instead of giving it away. Great spare sled and a BLAST when the trails are smooth.
