My Phazer....too slow!


New member
Mar 8, 2007
hey whats up....

i have a 1994 yamaha phazer II.... im tryin to get more speed out of her....what can i limited for cash....i like to have her run 600ft as quick as she can...i wanna have her be able to take 500's on 600ft...i have done some clutching to get it to rip off the line but it tops out too soon and i get passed at the last like 150ft...what can i do....
If I remember psi made a pipe for that sled that would add like 20 HP

I would look around for a used one if it was me.

I beilive you will have to change jets too.
Good luck
yup psi made a good pipe for those sleds, reichards made one too. They add something like 12-14 horse.
My brother-in law had a Hauck pipe on his phazer and it ran pretty good.That thing was noticeably more powerful especially in the low and mid range, very quiet too, almost stock like sound levels.
I agree on the pipe. Also Boyeson or carbon reeds and sx type pistons.
Phazers have steel reeds so fiber reeds really help. SX and Wiseco pistons
are wider at the top of the window. I did the top end on one using .020 Wiseco's ( it had a PSI pipe) and it really came to life. Pistons might be outside your budget but a used pipe and reeds should be pretty cheap.
I haven't tried it,but I think 97 up sx tripple reeds will work. I'll did some old ones out and check. Also don't forget the track. the stock track is awful.
My dad's 94 has a 3/4'' track (takeoff from a 98 700 xt). With 96 studs.
I used to run F/C Phazers back in the day. The PSI pipe was a good one but the AAEN quiet can seemed to work the best for me. I ran the Boyesen reeds too. Over the years I ran the PSI single, the AAEN race pipe(end dump), the AAEN quiet can(bottom dump) and I also ran a whole season with the once available PSI twins with flatslide carbs, porting, sx pistons etc.......The AAEN quiet can is really quiet, almost sounds stock, pulled the most solid performance,was light and fits very well. I'd go with that one if you are in the market.

The Reichard pipe was supposedly a good one, but I didn't care for the design. It had another can below it for quieting but heavier than the others. I am pretty sure Jeff Simons designed that one when he worked for them. Charlie McNally raced with that pipe and did well with it years ago.(against Hauck)

The HP #'s were as such:
* 12HP for PSI single
* 14 HP for AAEN quiet can
* 16 HP for Reichards
The AAEN race pipe and PSI twins are for modded engines only.
