Thanks You to All!!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
I wanted to let everyone know that all of you have made this one of the best years ever for me. I have had so much fun meeting and riding with all of you. I dread the thought that summer around the corner and that the season will be ending. I hope all of you have enjoyed it as much as me. I also want to thank all the moderators, sponsors/advertisers, VIPs and donations that keep this site going. And finally a big THANK YOU to Yamaha for all the great things they do to help us along the way and also the extra activities/demos they include us in. Without all of this kindness and generosity, I don’t think I could possibly run Totallyamaha.

I really think the word “friend”, means more then someone who one knows and likes, its about people who come together in hard times to help each other without just cause or money, people who would do anything for you in time of need, people who bond and grow strong. These are people like each and every one of you on this site!!! That’s what makes Totallyamaha what it is today!!! You are my friends!!

This may sound corny but its true!! Remember this as we move forward and have more and more users come into our little community!! Treat them as your friend.
I really think we should be thanking you for everything that this site is all about. I know ive learnt so much from this site. Actually thank you for the site and thanks to everyone for the info tips suggestions and all the great laugh(one of you in particular) any guesses who the funniest guy on here is? any way thats off topic, like MrSled said thanks to all.
i wanna thank u too. this is by far my favorite site. is set as my homepage and im constantly on in. i dont know where id be without this site
We love you Mr Sled !!!

Seriously, I have great respect for what you and all the supporters do to keep this a top notch site. This is why I care so much when the integrity of this site gets threatened.

I truly hope we can keep it going for a long time.
Thanks to you Tom, for making this all possible. It was great to meet you in Syracuse last fall. This site has me given the courage to modify my RX-1 and pipe a Viper with truely outstanding results. All the great advice and help from all, especially Matt Habada and Yamahaulic have made possible what i would have never figured out. if I could just get my SRX to run with my son ( Spiderviper )... all would be good !!

Hat's off to everyone for the best site on the web period.. Howie

I have been a "lurker" and a "poster" here for few years. It has only been the last 2 that I/we have started attending the TY rides, mainly due to sceduling it would never work out quite right in the past. But I have to tell you now I try to scedule my rides around the TY, if you guys think that the TY site is great you have to try your best to attend some of the group rides. Aside from snowmobiling I gotta say there is a not a better group of good people around starting right from the Top.

Good people make this a good site.

Thanks TY and everything you represent
Tom the real thanks goes to you!!!!!!!!!!

I think & hope Yamaha understands what your site has done for them, Hands down the Best site on the web servicing the best product IMHO from a not long enough memeber!

Huge Thanks again! Randy
Great job on another great season on the best website Tom! I will have to try to make it to a TY ride next year! We'll get caught up this summer and have some food again at Hay Days and possibly Wausau if it fits into our schedule!
It is all about attitude,and this site and it's people have great attitudes......personally I want to thank you Tom,i joined the site a few years back and have to say i have talked to and met some of the nicest people through TY.And also would like to thank you for letting me broaden my business.Thank you to all the moderators, customers and friends over the years i have been here on Ty.You all are the Best.

The Mater
Great Job Tom! This site continues to have the nicest and most helpful people in our sport. It all starts at the top...G.B.
Thanks to you too Sled.
Now excuse me, I’m going to roll up my uterus
and go have a good cry.
Thank You Tom for putting up a place for all of us Yamaha gear heads to get together and share ideas, issues and anything else for the most part. I guess this year has been a bit short for me on the trails but I still feel like it was a great season. Glad I could share in it with others.
A quote that fits this site is "The best form of leadership is that set by example"

Tom I guess you can say we are your sheep following you ;) lol
Thanks Tom for the great site. I am sure many on here are like me and even in the off season visit the site at least once a day. Don't know what I would do without my daily TY fix. Dave
