TY Demo 08 Review


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
web page and pics link: http://www.totallyamaha.com/Totallyamaha/08demo/ty08ridereport.htm

I would like to start off by thanking Yamaha for giving us at Totallyamaha the opportunity to ride some of the 2008 line-up. A day before the TY Munising Demo Rides, I received a phone call from Yamaha. They offered me a preview and presentation of 08 line-up at my home. Yamaha’s Demo team was on their way to Munising for our site ride anyway, and who could refuse an offer like that. Well, I jumped in with both feet and gathered a few riders/moderators from the web site to share this awesome experience.

Models Tested:
Vector, Vector LTX, Phazer FX & GT (07), Venture Lite, FX Nytro RTX, Apex RTX

Test Riders:
Tom (MrSled), Bob (Grandpa), Randy (JR), Mike (Tork), Terry (NOSPro) and Ryan (Pro116)

Groomed Trails, Stutters to Moguls
Temp: Mid 20s

Review given is based on my rider weight of #250 fully geared-up and 6’-2” height along with my impressions. Some of the info provided was a gathered from the above test rider’s opinions and given to you as our best possible real world review.

Grading A thru F, A being best and F being worse.

FX Nytro RTX
Power- A
Response- A
Sound – A quiet
Vibration – A or none

The power of this 134 hp fuel injected triple is superb. Quick throttle response, torquey bottom and midrange and fairly good top speed. I felt its arm wrenching power all the way to the triple digits. Zero vibration and really quiet with that sweet throaty 4 stroke sound.

Engagement –A
Backshift – A
Up shift - A

The clutching felt spot on. The engagement was really smooth unless you nailed it to the bar and then you better hang on. Backshift was quick and precise and the up shift was strong and meaty. I give Yamaha a lot of credit over past few years the clutching has been really close to perfect, not allowing the after market kits big improvement over stock compared to what they had in the past. The new FX Nytro engine has a huge power band of 1100+rpm, what this means is it will hold 134 hp in a really wide RPM range.

Overall Ride Quality – A
Big Bump Absorption – A
Stutter Bumps – B
Cornering – A

Overall ride quality was actually quite surprising. I expecting the Nytro to be harsher in order for it to handle the big moguls but that was not the case. I did feel the stutters more then normal but after riding the mono shock all these years and realizing the class of sled this was designed in , it quickly passed through my mind. Just understand that this sleds suspension is the most versatile, well-built and easily adjustable suspension on the market and set will be crucial to get the full potential from it. Cornering was extremely flat and predictable almost to the point that it scared you. When you’re used to some ski lift and go into the corner expecting it and anticipating when it will happen, all you can do is laugh, grab more throttle and hang on. Weight transfer is perfect. Sitting in normal riding position it will carry the skis just off the ground at full throttle, sitting back it will carry the skis over multiple bumps and moguls, very similar to a Phazer FX but with POWER. A few other things I notice is how beefed up the rear skid is and there is stock tunnel and exchanger protection for studding.

Ergos/Fit and Finish:
Seat Padding –A
Seat Material – A
Handlebars – B
Gauge – C
Throttle Pull –A
Brakes “Feel” – A
Fit and Finish – A
Wind protection - D

Seat feels great!! Firm but not to narrow, easy to move around on. The seat along with the tapered tunnel makes transitions from hard corner riding, standing to sitting with ease. Handlebars and integrated hooks look and feel good and actually feel quite warm. Granted it wasn’t very cold but the bar heaters sure felt better then the older Apex line-up. As far as the gauge, I am not a big fan of the Phazer gauge, not quite sure what bothers me about it but I really wish the Apex gauge was on the new Nytro, it just has that look of class. Throttle pull feel and brake feel are as good as anyone could expect from Yamaha along with fit and finish, sharp tight lines, clean and near flawless.

Now for my biggest complaint, the windshield, this shield is so low, why have one. I think that Robbie’s race sled has a taller shield. Plan on getting a new one if you are a trail rider. Now even with the low shield, its only cold in the face and upper body, the legs and mid section are protected fairly comparable to the Apex’s.
My final thoughts on the Nytro is to not expect a trail sled, this is a well built, big mogul sled. Don’t get me wrong I am very confident that with all of the adjustability in the suspension that it can be one of the best sleds over all on any terrain.

Extra Points: More accurate Speedo then on past 4 strokes and the weights of a std Nytro is 513lbs and 521lbs w/reverse

Vector and Vector LTX:

I am not going go into great depth on these models but the 120 HP engine dropped into the Delta Box II chassis (Apex) will be one of this years overlooked best sleds. Handles awesome, great gas mileage, and bar none ride from the mono shock will send this sled to the top of all trail fun sleds. The LTX would be my choice with the longer track and more sure footed feel, but still giving you a short track handling.

Apex RTX:
I was so wound up after driving Nytro and it was hard to get pumped on the Apex. But WOW when you grab a handful of the 150hp geared down Apex RTX, its just launches you. I was very impressed but it just doesn’t have that light feel that the Nytro has. Very flat handling, well-balanced ski to track feel. Need some work on the rear skid as I found the center rear shock bottoming quite often with my weight. I am not sure but this RTX may still have the 07 calibration.

Phazer GT and FX (07):

For some reason the 08 Phazers where not in this line up, so we had some fun on the 07s. From last years demo on the Pre07 models, the motor is stronger and more torquey then ever. Great sled overall, with so much of a fun factor, very light and nimble. Once you get used to the ATV like feel you can really scoot along through the woods with the big boys. Jamming on the gas to carry the skis over the moguls. My only complaint on the Phazers is the poorly calibrated suspension for bigger more aggressive riders and the icing on the running boards. According to Yamaha both of these issues have been addressed and will be on par in 08.

Final thoughts:

Overall the 08 line-up from the entry level Phazers, to the trail ride able Vectors, to the sno-cross inspired FX Nytro all the way to the top dog powerhouse Apex, Yamaha has proven 4 strokes can be the ultimate snowmobiles in any class. Great Job Yamaha!!!
wow great write up dont know if i could type that much :rofl: it says that you are from mosinee,wi. im originally from wausau, wi. i only make it back that way about 2 to 3 times a year
i fell in love with the Apex RTX today at our demo days here in syracuse ny. that sled is perfect in my eyes. fits my riding style perfect. To bad my viper is only 1 month old and only 450 miles on it or i would`ve bought one today
Thanks for the great report Tom. I wasn't going to buy any new sleds for a while..........but...............I may have to sell a viper to make room for a "NYTRO"..........
hey tom just got back from brainerd,mn. test rode the new nytro and the nytro rtx. i think im gonna go with the plain nytro. the rtx is a true ditchbanger (very rough ride) but does have same great power as regular nytro i like to ride the groomed trails so i think im gonna go with the plain nytro. what a great sled, need to do something with the windshield tho :brr
