Need help with Jetting for Bender pipes MM700


New member
Mar 4, 2004
I need help to get the best jetting for a MM700 -00 that I'm gonna put Benderpipes on. Have reedspacers on, but no fix with the head gasket or the airbox and do not want to do that either.

I ride between sealevel and up to a absolute maximum of 1400 meters above sealevel. That is aprox 0-4000 ft.

The recommendation that I have this far is Mains 150, Pilots 52,5 and fuelscrew 1,5 turns out. Is that the best?

I have on my engine as of now (stock with reedspacers) 142,5 on PTO side, 141,3 and 141,3 and that works perfect, since I don't run full throttle for more than maximum of 20-30 seconds.

Need tips fast!!! :rocks:

This has been covered on here about a skazillion times. That is what you need to be jetted at plus at low elevation on cold days your gonna have to raise the needles but not so critical at higher elevations.
Sorry, but my english is not that good. The conclusion is then that the setup with:

mainjet 150
Pilotjet 52,5
Fuelscrew 1,5 turns out
and needles???

As I have understood Turk you are the man to ask for clutch setup also.
Do you know what I should do to make a set of Heavy hitters work optimal with the Benderpiped MM700??

// Rob
You are right. Raise the needles 1/2 straight across. If you run the heavy hitters you will need a primary spring with very high total force & preload & a shallow helix about 46/36.
Turk said:
You are right. Raise the needles 1/2 straight across. If you run the heavy hitters you will need a primary spring with very high total force & preload & a shallow helix about 46/36.

Any recommendation for primary spring?
I will continue to use the stock helix, so what can I do to make it as good as possible.

Thx for the jettingtips by the way.

stock spring will be ok. try the weights empty to see if they will even work.
Turk said:
stock spring will be ok. try the weights empty to see if they will even work.

Hello again,

So you say that the heavy hitters are not good then? What can I do instead then (that is not more expensive)? Just want the clutching to work great with the pipes AND that the belt slippage around engaging (4200 rpm) will stop. What kind of setup with stock helix would you recommend?

Try the heavy hitters empty with the stock helix; it might work. I have never used those weights in a piped 700 so I can,t say for sure 100%. Just taking a guess here.
Ok, so ju mean just the arms/weights as they are or?

Is there any other combination that you know works good with the stock helix? Fully loaded stock arms or something like that. I have yet not bought the heavy hitters so.. If you got any other recommendation that I can buy that works great with the pipes I would appreciate a lot if you posted it here.


Is your best recommendation he clutching from the Tech page for a 97-99 SX700 w/Bender pipes??? Or do I have to make other adjustments for my MM700 -00 ??

Whats your recommendation if you get to choose for me?

