just a search idea

Concept Carbon

New member
Jan 31, 2006
Ottawa, ON.
thought it might be a good idea to have a larger more in your face search button. ie. before you post please search.

The reason i bring this up is i see the same questions being asked weekly, and feel new members may not be aware of the search option.

The only problem I have with the search is it won't let you search for words that are less than 5 letters long. That's why I use the advanced search function on Google's site when I need to search for short words like bog, jet, pipe wrap etc... Is there a way to get it to look for short words like that?
I also struggle with the search function. For the same reasons. Short words, "srx" "pipe" "head" "jet" ..... that is just a few. People tend to use the shortest possible words to get the point across but then the search won't look for those words. I was looking for srx head and dcs... information to put srx heads on a piped viper.
