8vo fan
New member
Hey, Im having issues with the clutching on my piped,ported '87 phazer, can you help me?
New member
What is the problem? 

8vo fan
New member
well, I can't get the clutch right for the mods and I was hoping I could find someone familiar with the set-up.
It runs really well but, the engagement is way to low. I put a really stiff spring in it and made the engagement a little better but, then spit out a brand new belt. I'm assuming because the weights weren't heavy enough for the spring.
It is a YPZ, I really need a recomendation for what spring and arms to use to put my engagement about 4000 rpm.
I have access to a comet. Would I be better off with that for tuning? There are alot more parts available.
It runs really well but, the engagement is way to low. I put a really stiff spring in it and made the engagement a little better but, then spit out a brand new belt. I'm assuming because the weights weren't heavy enough for the spring.
It is a YPZ, I really need a recomendation for what spring and arms to use to put my engagement about 4000 rpm.
I have access to a comet. Would I be better off with that for tuning? There are alot more parts available.
What is the current set-up?
8vo fan
New member
Stock. Engagement is really low like 3000-3200. The sled is a total dog for about twenty feet then the skis go in the air. I tried a heavier spring (paint code rusted off)that put engagement at about 3700 and It was almost there. It was quite a bit better to ride. Until the new belt blew.
New member
What pipe do you have?
8vo fan
New member
Psi single. I read a post were they said Psi recommended an o/y spring with the 8vo weights but, there is no such thing, that I can find anyway. I also think the porting is a little to high for that recommendation anyway.
I had good luck with 82m90 weights and a red/pink spring in a similar motor package.
8vo fan
New member
the 82m90s are .2 grams lighter than my 8vos. I cannot find a red/pink spring. PZII had 87f weighs which are 3.2 grams heavier. should I try those? There is also the 83r weights which are over 8 grams heavier.
New member
The part number for that spring is: 90501-526J9-00 Enter that number in that website I sent you last night. They have it. It's $15.
Well I think that's the one you're talking about here's the list:
Well I think that's the one you're talking about here's the list:

8vo fan
New member
Sure enough, that one is there. I didn't try looking it up on the computer, Just in my clutch book. I don't mind spending $15 for one spring. I just wish I knew for sure that it would solve my problem.
It sounds like your clutch alignment might be off if it's bogginfg and your eating beldts.The bogging could be a carbureation problem too.
8vo fan
New member
Naw! Belt wear wasn't a problem until I put a heavier spring in it. Then I could drive it forever without damaging the belt until, I tried a topend run. Both belts exploded during 90 mph runs. (according to the speedo that is). I did discover the secondary was way to tight which could be the belt problem but, why did it only become a problem when I changed primary spring?
What gearing do you have in you could be out of gear and clutches are fully shifter out and the beldt is turning over and exploding.
8vo fan
New member
Made thousands of top end runs with the stock spring and never had a problem. Gearing is stock. Everything is stock but, the pipe, porting, and Boyeson reeds.
For a Phazer it is pretty fast. Not a race winner but, an excellent trail sled.
On my last ride, A guy on a Rev 600ho said "man that things fast!" Refering to my Phazer.
Oh Yeah. The new belt that exploded, The largest piece I have is a piece of the outer with the numbers which still look like new. When I put the old belt back on, I blew a whole bunch of the knobs off but the belt is still intact.
For a Phazer it is pretty fast. Not a race winner but, an excellent trail sled.
On my last ride, A guy on a Rev 600ho said "man that things fast!" Refering to my Phazer.
Oh Yeah. The new belt that exploded, The largest piece I have is a piece of the outer with the numbers which still look like new. When I put the old belt back on, I blew a whole bunch of the knobs off but the belt is still intact.
Your not undersatinding me correctly.What are your rpms.If they where low before and that stiffer spring brought your rpms up and your clutches are fully shifted out when your out of gear your beldt might be flipping over and exploding.
8vo fan
New member
If my belt was flipping wouldn't it destroy the outer most layer? My top end rpms were about the same maybe 200 rpms higher but, still under 8000 rpm. Also, The wear pattern on the secondary was only about half way down. It looks as if it never got into overdrive.
8vo fan
New member
I also checked belt deflection, it was about 1 1/4".
yamaha had a y/o spring that was a hi altitude spring for the phazer ,higher engagement and shiftout p/n90501-520A2
New member
I had a belt problem when I had my Phazer. Once when trail riding blew 2 belts on hard accel in less than a mile. Motor mount on left front losened from the engine (motor twisted) bad clutch alignment. Other time was on the lake high speed runs belt would spit cogs. That ended up being from the secondary bushings being worn. The bushing that rides on the fixed sheave shaft and the outer helix bushing. Just something to check. I had a high altitude spring in the primary as well, It was yellow.