Which Tunnel?


VIP Member
May 2, 2003
Elk Mound, Wisconsin
I am going to tear my '99 SX down to bare bones. It has about 10K miles on it and is in need of a major overhaul. The tunnel is going to have to get replaced so I was wondering if there are any tunnels out there that fit my sled and would suit my likes better. I would like to have a tunnel with wider running boards and a little more ground clearance in the back for riding rough trails, pounding through deep/big moguls, etc. Is there an after market tunnel that would fit these needs? Also, I am toying with the idea of painting the sled with the paint scheme from an '81 SRX. I love that paint scheme but I have no idea what the paint codes are or know where/if I can get a decal set. I am pretty sure I am going to have to paint the decals on. Any suggestions on how to get the paint to bond to the plastic belly pan?
