which skis are better for trail riding

Gosh, maybe it's just me but I'm a Simmons flexi ski fan. There is no darting. NONE. And they give you floatation in the powder.

My .02 dents
I have the C&A Pro ADs with 6" carbides (from Rich Motorsports) and I have found them to be great this season. The razors are for more agressive riders, so depending how you ride......

They look good too.
Yes it depends on how you ride and how much steering effort versus agressiveness you are looking for. The Simmons are a great ski in many conditions, but will push excessively in aggressive soft snow cornering.

It all depends on what you are looking for, Rich is very helpful just give a call, or send him an email or PM. Some info is available on his site www.richmotorsports.com
the ad's work great on proaction yamaha's.but the razors will be better for anti darting and you can always throw them on a 4 stroke if you decide to go that way in future.any questions let me know.
I LOVED all four sets of C&A's that i had. Great cornering, they don't dart when you set them up right (although this is pretty much the same for any ski), they are light, durable, look good, and aren't priced too bad if you get them from Rich. If my Attak didn't already have aftermarkets on it, i would throw C&A's on it.
I have a pair of C&A Ad with Berstrom ski savers and 6" Shaper bars, they Rock on the trail and last.
I love my simmons, and with a good setup I have no pushing and low steering effort. I went that way cause my dealer let me try a sled with them equipped and he stocked simmons. I LOVE them and the float is awesome on the lake lol!
