Motor Mounts


New member
Feb 6, 2007
Three Lakes
I have been snapping the bolts on my motor mounts where they bolt into the engine block. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem. Any suggestions on how to stop it from happening again?

go buy some srx motor mounts , ther third hole is there in the block to use with the srx mount. three is beeter than two . and i would also get a engine torque limitere . either oem,or aftermarket . should fix the problem. you can buy this stuff pretty cheap new or even cheaper on this site used ..
Thanks for the help. I currently have the engine out of my sled for cleaning. I will get a set of srx motor mounts.
Happend to me to, but i just welded a piece on the bracket so i could fit the third bolt.
All good advice,BUT, if you add the engine tensioner, you'll stop breaking mounts. My ER broke 3 before I installed the tenisoner. Over 9,00 miles later, not one failure. Best of luck'
The motor mount dampeners also fail themselves, you may want to inspect them. They should not twist or pull apart very much. If they do you will want to replace them.

Also go with the Yamaha link-style limiter. The stud type break easily.
wilsviper said:
I welded a lug on mine to match the third hole on the block.No problems sense then.
This is on the front left side.

Yes the front left side. I bought a set of srx motor mounts and am looking into a torgue limiter.
Just get one from a dealer, they aren't too bad. If you can't find one on the site that is. Should be several of them from people parting out srx's.
