Ugly Rusty Pipes


New member
Oct 25, 2004
Livonia, MI
Hey all,

the pipes on my SRX are rusted pretty bad and look awful.

What's the best fix?


Strip and repaint?


I'm actually working on this tomorrow going to cover the aluminum good
and sand blast the pipes and manifold pipes then paint with this stuff but flat black, good till 1500 deg. should hold up well on a sand blasted pipe.
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rusty pipes

Daman has the right stuff. I sanded mine down in the fall and used the same stuff as Daman is going to use and it has held up awsome. I took my pipes off last weekend and i even commented that i couldn't believe how black they still were. I have used other stuff in the past 1200 deg and the stuff did not even last a month.
BenderSRX said:
Daman has the right stuff. I sanded mine down in the fall and used the same stuff as Daman is going to use and it has held up awsome. I took my pipes off last weekend and i even commented that i couldn't believe how black they still were. I have used other stuff in the past 1200 deg and the stuff did not even last a month.
So it's holding up well huh,,thats good to hear..
I just contacted Michigan sandblasting in Redford. $100 to blast clean all pipes (when I think about the time and mess of cleaning them ... hmmm). for $180 total, they will then apply a thin coat of aluminum via a chemical bonding process. He said that if I do that, and then use a quality paint like daman recommends, they'll be black and pretty forever.

While $180 a fair chunk of change, spread it out over a few years and add up the smiles you'll feel everytime you look at it ... it's a permanent solution. I might just do it.
Yea if you live close to somone like that i'd go for it for sure,i just wish i
had the opportunity to do so....but i think my way will hold up well..
