Looking to buy a V-Max?


New member
Mar 13, 2007
Hudsonville, MI
Looking at a either a 97 V-max 600 or a 98 500, just wanted some general info (horsepower, suspenstion, problems, ect...). Also I was just courious how either one would do in a race against a 98 arctic zr600 efi, b/c my buddy has one and i need to know if i can put this sweet "Cat Eater" snowflap on. Thanks
98 zr 500 is probably going to be faster than either of those sleds. If you got a newer vmax 600 twin and peeled the head gasket and reclutched and rejetted it and his was stock they'd probably run close.
You will need something faster to beat the Cat. I raced a stock ZR600 with my stock 04 viper and didnt beat it by mutch. Maybe 2 lengths in 1000 feet.
Tod that is one HELL of a nice SX, and if i didnt already have three sleds for riding with one a$$, i would buy yours. The thing is MINT, and i really miss my '97 SX 700
