New Yamaha Owner


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2005
nottingham n.h.
Hi, I've been a member here for a while. My son-in-law has been Yamaha for long time. He bought a Attak, my daughter bought a Rage. I rode the Rage for 120 miles on Sunday. I just purchased a Rage , all sleds are 136 inch track. My younger daughter just bought Doo, my wife rides Poo. I don't know what wife will do next season. I still have my edge, I can't quite part with it yet. I love this site, especially for info on Yamaha. I have a lot to learn about these sleds and how to ride a four stroke. plowking
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Welcome aboard to the best yamaha site on the net!!!

there is also a 4 stroker side also

feel free to post away,you won't be sorry you went blue...:)
Thanks , everyone for welcoming me. Hi, O-Thump. It is suppose to snow alot up north this weekend . Sled is still at dealer up north, I have to stay down here and work for highway dept. My son-in-law is grinning ear to ear since I went to Yamaha. I'm going to hang onto my edge to keep him nervous. I would like to get mirrors for the Rage, without making it look gawdy. I wish there was more storage behind seat. I will have to look for baggage. I also ride a Polaris ATV, but son-in-law rides Yamaha ATV and I know what he is thinking. My Rage is blue and white as my daughters is red. I read the sterotype for a Yamaha rider is 40 years old and slightly overweight. I'm a little older and a little heavier so I guess I qualify. plowking
Plowking congradulations, you'll love it ! I Just bought a leftover 06 Rage, my first new sled in over 10 years and yes, I really like it especially, after changing the crazy dealer setup ! Here are just a few suggestions that worked for me.

-The track was super tight which at first would nearly put you over the handle bars if you left off the throttle to fast...... I loosened it 12 full turns each side and now it has ~1" sag in the middle when on a jack stand and still could be loosened since, there is no ratcheting ? :o|
-The front shocks were set to almost maximum preload....(?) I backed them off 15 turns each and got rid of the tippy feeling !
-The transfer rod was set next to maximum and the skis were always in the air (you don't need more traction with this track) I backed the rod to the minimum side of adjustment.
-I pulled up the front limiter strap 2 holes and even with the back end off the ground it still is has freeplay? Now it actually turns......! ? !
-I am 200lbs and yes..... the rear mono shock needed more preload.
- I pushed the handle bars up away from my lap for a better position.
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Another thing you could do is send it to cpr and get a turbo on it... :rofl:

Seriously, very nice sled, it will be very hard to go back after riding that 4 stroke :wel:
Hi,VMAX540, thanks for the settings. We had to adjust the handlebars on daughter's Rage. Familyman, I actually have a Holset turbo off a International DT466 in basement, but probably too big for what I need. plowking
