Trail set up


VIP Member
Feb 12, 2005
Southern Manitoba Canada
What is the best trail set up for a 02 Viper?
I have a 97 700sx that longtravelled and set it to factory specs and it rails great in the trails.
Would like to set up my newly aquired Viper to corner the same way. No suspenision adjustments have been made except for adjustable transfer rods and I believe they are set at max transfer.The Viper has stock track with 96 down the middle and 4"doolies.
Any ideas what I should do first?
I have found that just a set of C&A skis on a viper and no other suspension adjustments will make them handle great. Make sure you have the rear setup for a 50/50 control rod gap or possibly a little more gap on top if you really like a lot of weight transfer and pound away.
