Is anybody going to be riding in the Newberry, Seney, Grand Marais, or Munising area this Saturday (03-17-2007)? I wouldn't mind joining up with someone. I can show you some good late season off-trail riding. It will be crusty but if they get some new snow it will be great. It is likely the last weekend for the UP except in the deep woods.
Well I didn't see many sledders up there. Off-trail was hard as a rock, but the trails were freshly groomed (didn't last too long). We called the groomers and asked them where they were going. A couple of them were grooming so that they could ride themselves. There was a lot of great riding as long as you stayed away from the towns. Just had to load up and trailer to refuel.
Met some guys on vintage sleds, with the duds to boot, around noon that were camping at their cabin out there. Run into them about 11:00 that night as I was driving out in the truck and they were trying to fix the only sled with lights. The fuel line burst and they were trying to fix it in the dark. It was quite a comedy as they attempted to get it running again. Once they got going they went right down the middle of the gravel road with the sparks a flying from their skis. It must have provided light enough to ride by. They were sloshed, and if they had been driving on a trail or with newer sleds, I may have not let them use my tools to fix their sled. However, I just couldn't leave them out there, and there was not another soul around. Anyhow off they went, I hope they made it to their camp as they had about six miles of gravel road to cover. We sat and watched them for the first mile or so. Wow were they ever throwing up sparks!!!
Met some guys on vintage sleds, with the duds to boot, around noon that were camping at their cabin out there. Run into them about 11:00 that night as I was driving out in the truck and they were trying to fix the only sled with lights. The fuel line burst and they were trying to fix it in the dark. It was quite a comedy as they attempted to get it running again. Once they got going they went right down the middle of the gravel road with the sparks a flying from their skis. It must have provided light enough to ride by. They were sloshed, and if they had been driving on a trail or with newer sleds, I may have not let them use my tools to fix their sled. However, I just couldn't leave them out there, and there was not another soul around. Anyhow off they went, I hope they made it to their camp as they had about six miles of gravel road to cover. We sat and watched them for the first mile or so. Wow were they ever throwing up sparks!!!
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New member
Lol, Ding was the vintage crew riding 5 old Polaris's & 1 cat? We was staying in Wolf Inn & that group rolled in for gas saturday morning, Come to think of it they looked like they were having a gas. Kind of neat seeing the old relics on the trail again but the drinking was a bad thing imo. I got to meet Red that owns the Wolf Inn & had a blast with him, Probably going to hookup with him next season for some of his off-trail riding. We rode to see Jerry @ the Hotdog stand & Eagles Nest on sunday with the kids, My 3 year old put on her first 80 sled miles, Partly on the sled while falling asleep & the other in a 1967 Skimo (Skiboos) pulled behind the snowmobile lmao. Very cool seeing my girl riding in the same sled that I put so many miles in way back when. Not very many sleds out riding for sure, Saturday we went out & burned a stump to cook hotdogs while the kids sled down the hills & whooped it up.
Off-trail was a bit hard but alot of snow still, The trails on sunday was fast-way fast but shot to the east in the afternoon. My best riding is always in march.
I think we are done riding for the season & got a group coming over this weekend for a canoe trip down the Sturgeon river.
Off-trail was a bit hard but alot of snow still, The trails on sunday was fast-way fast but shot to the east in the afternoon. My best riding is always in march.
I think we are done riding for the season & got a group coming over this weekend for a canoe trip down the Sturgeon river.
They were down to 2 Poo's and the Cat when we saw them, but did say that there were others at the camp. We were at Eagle's Nest and Pine Stump Junction (5 miles north of Wolf Inn) on Saturday. My cousin's have a cabin and 80 acres (used to be my Grandfather's) near Eagles' Nest. We always stop in just to see the place. Years back we used to sled in and stay a week there. Met the Seney groomer (I can never remember his name) at Eagles' Nest as they stopped for a break. Got to talking about some of the recent sunken sleds on the pond there. That pond seems to be a sled magnet.
New member
Ding said:They were down to 2 Poo's and the Cat when we saw them, but did say that there were others at the camp. We were at Eagle's Nest and Pine Stump Junction (5 miles north of Wolf Inn) on Saturday. My cousin's have a cabin and 80 acres (used to be my Grandfather's) near Eagles' Nest. We always stop in just to see the place. Years back we used to sled in and stay a week there. Met the Seney groomer (I can never remember his name) at Eagles' Nest as they stopped for a break. Got to talking about some of the recent sunken sleds on the pond there. That pond seems to be a sled magnet.
Was he a white haired guy riding a Mountain Max 600 with a bunch of stickers on it? We stopped @ the river on our way to Jerry's & him & his group stopped to bs, Said they was on there way to Eagles Nest & he pulled a new REV 600 out ealier in the week..... What a Great area. Just may skip the new sled & find my own place up in that area. B2SO told me his buddies sled was stolen from the Fox River motel last weekend too.
We saw him with the groomer and drag, but he did have white hair. I have seen his sled before, but can't even remember what it was.
I would be sure to get a cabin you can drive to in the winter. The sleding in is fun, but a lot of work. If you are interested in land to build a cabin on (the cheapest route) I can check with my cousin who is always buying land up there so has his ear to the ground for good deals. He owns several thousand acres in Luce county alone. He has paid as little as $50 an acre, and as much as $3000 an acre.
I would be sure to get a cabin you can drive to in the winter. The sleding in is fun, but a lot of work. If you are interested in land to build a cabin on (the cheapest route) I can check with my cousin who is always buying land up there so has his ear to the ground for good deals. He owns several thousand acres in Luce county alone. He has paid as little as $50 an acre, and as much as $3000 an acre.
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