Advise on Montana Sledding


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2003
I'm taking the family (wife & 3 kids 8, 10 & 12 yrs old) skiing at Big Sky in Montana next week.
Looking to take a day off from skiing and renting a 2 up sled for a day ride with my 12 yr old son. Any recommendations? I don't need a guide and with a 2 up and son on the back am not looking to be highmarking. Just looking for a nice trail ride on a 2 up with son to show him some nice scenery for a reasonable price. Yes, I know the park is closed this time of the year.
THANKS! Sledboy.
Be sure to be aware of Avalanche danger. Even simply riding trails you need to be Avy aware. Slides don't care if there is a trail in the way or not.

Go to, and do some searching. Don't get caught up in the dribble over there, but mixed in with it is a ton of good info.
You can go to West Y'stone and rent a sled. Cost you about $160/day and you are self insured. Forget the park. It's guided 4 stroke tours only. There are 1000+ miles of trail outside of the park. Easy to ride and no avalanch danger if you don't leave the trail. Get a grooming schedule and pick trails that were groomed the night before. If you want wilderness riding, go South from big sky about 4 miles. There is a rental business on the east side of the highway that will rent you a cat. The riding area is called Buck Creek. Not as user friendly as the West trail system but absolutely beautiful riding. You probably should not go up there alone so if you dicide to ride it, try to hook up with a group. the trail head parking lot is at the Corral bar and grill a little further down theroad. Good luck.
Your only option may be West, we have had a week of 50 degree weather and the snow is turning to slush. Buck creek is a good ride but you will mostlikely have mud until you hit a little elevation. Carrot Basin would be the best ride but your access with a rental sled is not good. I think in your situation, drive the 45 min to West and rent any kind of sled you want. It shouldn't be crowded, Expo is over and the park is closed for the season.

Have fun and watch the snow conditions, lots of little slides with the warm weather.
