Fuel Mileage/Top Speed vs. Weight


New member
Jan 25, 2007
Pefferlaw, Ontario
I've got an 01 Vmax 600 Triple that I can only get to go 130 km/h at the best of times and somewhere around 130km to a full tank (sorry haven't done any calculations yet). From what I've been reading I'm WAY below what this sled is capable of on average. I am a heavy rider (about 300lbs) and I'm wondering if that is the real reason my performance is so low. I guess my real question is, considering my weight are these specs reasonably good or can clutching still make a significant improvement to these figures? I'm not interested in making any performance modifications at this time so that's out of the question but I'm considering playing with clutching next season.

Sorry this should have been posted under Tech Questions or Vmax not FAQ.
Wow. That's pretty bad. Clutching would make a slight improvement that is for sure. Couple questions that may be hit or miss are: Do you know what you were revving at when riding? Have you checked carbs, clutches for wear, reeds, compression, bearings, tracks rubbing? I would check compression first, then go through the other small things. They can all be big factors in speed/mileage.

I had a 99 stock 600 sx that would do 165 km/h stock and typically get 200+ km / tank of fuel.
change_up said:
Wow. That's pretty bad. Clutching would make a slight improvement that is for sure. Couple questions that may be hit or miss are: Do you know what you were revving at when riding? Have you checked carbs, clutches for wear, reeds, compression, bearings, tracks rubbing? I would check compression first, then go through the other small things. They can all be big factors in speed/mileage.

I had a 99 stock 600 sx that would do 165 km/h stock and typically get 200+ km / tank of fuel.

Wow 165km/h and 200+ km, yeah that's a big difference considering its the same sled essentially. Just so I can get some sort of baseline, how much do you weigh if you don't mind me asking?

At WOT @ my typical top speed of 120 km/h it's usually revving at 8500 +/- 100-200 RPM depending on conditions

I haven't checked carbs, reeds, or compression at all. I did pull the plugs at one point over the season and they were all a nice tan/brown colour. As for compression and reeds, what should I be getting for compression figures and what should I look for regarding the reeds?

Most of the bearings in the suspension were replaced at the beginning of the season.

I just had the primary clutch serviced/looked at. The dealer replaced the roller bushings and possibly the little arms with the weights (can't remember the correct term). As for the secondary, I don't have a clue what to look for in terms of wear although my father might.

As far as track rubbing I'm assuming you're talking about against the tunnel right? If so I don't think so because it is studded so I'm assuming I would feel or at least hear something but at speed maybe not if it's only grazing it.

I should mention that this sled was handed down to me by my father who worked with our dealer to get the clutching right for his weight (about the same as myself) last year (I think). Also the engine feels like it's pulling hard, and is very smooth throughout the RPM range so I don't think it's an engine issue but I will take a look at the carbs, compression, and reeds over the summer.

I don't really need the sled to go much faster as I'm usually riding trails but I would be really nice to be able to go faster and ride further per tank :o| .
