New member
I just bought a 1990 exciter 570 and it came with what I believe is a aaen single pipe on it. It has been painted so I'm not 100% sure if it is an AAEN pipe. So witht the pipe the guy before was messing witht the carb and jets and needles. The needles have no numbers on them. So I want to replace the needles and set the carbs properly, becasue it is bogging down at mid throttle. What needle # and postion should I use, and what needle barrels? What are the jetting specs and carb specs for around 1200 ft from -5 degrees celsius to - 30 degrees celsius? Thanx to anyone who can help!
New member
I just called Aaen for you. They aren't much help at all. I called the Tech number listed on their website and some woman answered. All she would say is you have to jet up a "few sizes". Run it and do a plug reading. I asked her if she had any idea what number jets they should be and she had no idea. "You have to pull the carbs and see what's in it now and go up from there".
I didn't bother asking her anything else.

New member
I found this on another site:
Aaen makes an excellent product for this machine - reasonably quiet and
easy to set up. Increase main jets 7%, change drive clutch to shift at
7200 to 7500 RPM. With
the YPZ clutch use the white-lt blue spring P/N 90501-555A1-00 with the
stock weights - this will be 7200-7300 RPM. For mountains or higher RPM
use 82M90 weights with
the yellow spring P/N 90501-55691-00 - this will be 7500-7600 RPM. By the
you must change jetting and clutching with any pipe to get more power.
Good luck
and tell us about how it works! Regards, Bruce
Aaen makes an excellent product for this machine - reasonably quiet and
easy to set up. Increase main jets 7%, change drive clutch to shift at
7200 to 7500 RPM. With
the YPZ clutch use the white-lt blue spring P/N 90501-555A1-00 with the
stock weights - this will be 7200-7300 RPM. For mountains or higher RPM
use 82M90 weights with
the yellow spring P/N 90501-55691-00 - this will be 7500-7600 RPM. By the
you must change jetting and clutching with any pipe to get more power.
Good luck
and tell us about how it works! Regards, Bruce