blew up the phazer today


Mar 16, 2007
today I fired up the 1999 phazer 500 and after about 500 feet the motor backfired through the carb and seized up. I started taking the motor apart and found that 3 of the nuts that hold the head and jug together had fallen off. When I took the jug off I found that the two ears on the bottom of it had broken off and also the carb side of the piston was broken off too. Its gonna cost about $500 to fix it maybe more. My question is should I just look for a different motor and whats the biggest motor that will fit in my sled? 600? 700? I can do a little fabricating if needed but would like to just put something in and ride away. Figures my luck tonight we are suppose to get between a foot and 30 inches of snow, already got 6 or 7 inches today so far.
My '87 phazer has a totally unique motor. Nothing else fits without major modification. The Srv 540 is the closest but the mounts are completely different. I'm not familiar with your chassis but, The phazer was the only thing fan cooled then.
yeah thats what I will probably do because the kid is 11 now and needs to get something different than the old 89 articcat jag 340. Me I need me a sxr 700!
if that is the proacton chassis phazer there should be lots of room to put in a 540 motor. an ss440 motor should also go in there without too much extra fabrication or one of the old 485 venture fan cools will bolt in there as well.

just throwing some options out for you.
While it shares the bulkhead with some of the liquid cooled sleds, you would have to add all of the heat exchangers, and swap hoods. There are several other things that have to change as well, but those first 2 items make it unfeasible. My wife blew a rod out the side of the case a WOT on a long lake. I looked into dropping a liquid cooled engine in, but it was far too costly. The cheapest approach I could come up with, was to find a wrecked 500 twin or 600 triple Proaction, and fix it up with some of the Phazer parts.

I ended up just buying a complete used engine out of a 2001 Phazer Mountain Lite that was rolled down a mountain to replace it. You can interchange parts with any 1999-2000 Phazer, Phazer Mountain Lite, or Venture 500. There are a good number of engine parts that can be used from previous years, but not all them.
