New member
hi I posted this in the srx section as well and thought it would do good here as well im looking for opinions form fellow yamaha sledders. like to guy another yamaha but im open to other options if need be.
???Looking for new sled ideas???
ok the winter season is drawing closer and closer to the end not much more sleddi n to be done..
I'm dreaming of a new sled for next season (bran new that is) but if and only if I can find 1 that compairs to my srx.
So heres the question are there any new sleds out there that can run with the srx. (or stay ahead) from off the line all the way through to top end?
Are there any sleds out there as reliable as the srx?
If i'm gona buy a new sled its gona cost me somewhere near or better than $12000.oo canadian so I want it to be better all round maybe go with a sled with a 136 or 144" track but it would still have to spank my srx?
I would like it to soak up the bumps a bit better and still have that HOLY $#@! this is fast feeling.
so is there a sled out there thats better?
???Looking for new sled ideas???
ok the winter season is drawing closer and closer to the end not much more sleddi n to be done..
I'm dreaming of a new sled for next season (bran new that is) but if and only if I can find 1 that compairs to my srx.
So heres the question are there any new sleds out there that can run with the srx. (or stay ahead) from off the line all the way through to top end?
Are there any sleds out there as reliable as the srx?
If i'm gona buy a new sled its gona cost me somewhere near or better than $12000.oo canadian so I want it to be better all round maybe go with a sled with a 136 or 144" track but it would still have to spank my srx?
I would like it to soak up the bumps a bit better and still have that HOLY $#@! this is fast feeling.
so is there a sled out there thats better?
sounds like you would like an apex. have you ridden one? and if you have ridden an rx12 and are comparing it to that... dont. they are completely different. the apex is silly fast, and the mono really soaks the bumps up. and you could find a leftover for a steal. are you planning on keepin gthe srx too, or trading it in? and it would be as reliable as the srx with less maint (no more power valves!)
New member
ive never ridden the apex,or attack ,but i have tried the rx1 ,2 seasons ago did not really like it power was ok but found it tippy. I am thinking that 4 stroke is the way to go just wish i could demo 1 .its hard to drop 12000$$$ without driving it first.as far as the srx ya ill be parting with her thats why i want a sled that is as good as she was. i got a buddy that wants to buy my srx ill get more for it from him than any dealer. my srx is not stalk by any means ill deff miss her but i hope the new sled helps me forget .
New member
well well no more attack..in the new line up.. I was thinking of the 136" track so i can play in the powder as well. knowing its a four stroke it should turn a long track with ease. how much power and top end drop do you think the apex mountain 162" track would be compared to the 136.as I would like to maybe try the mountains some time and i cant afford 2 sleds
they do still make the attak, just called something different... and the new apex handles a lot better with the lower and wider front end from the vector.
My son-in-law has the Attak, it has the 136 inch track with 1 1/4 lugs and he owns a 01 srx. The Attak launches good, especially with no studs yet. In the measured mile on the local lake, he had it to 124 mph on speedo, which can show higher mph then using a gps. He wants to race a friends MachZ1000, purchased last year, with all the updates done. plowking