Ground Clearance / Ride Height


New member
May 14, 2003
Manchester, MI
Anyone now how much clearance there is between the bottom of the chassis and the ground? Like just behind the radius rod? Oh ya on a long travel sled like a viper/xtc/sxr.
gild said:
they go by % sag and all you listed are different

Are you saying %sag is like the sit in/normalized position? Which is cool thats kind of what I'm looking for.

I'm just looking for ball park numbers.
hope this helps

front suspension tuning manual OEM


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Glid.. I see what you mean I went home and read the manual. Problem is that this is for a stock suspension. I'm going to play around with my own long travel and I don't know how high a stock long travel sits. That's why I was asking for the clearance. J
Jweidmayer, going thru mine as well and when looking at stock vs. custom you may just want to lower sled and think about having the frame a couple inches off the ground and go from there, i was thinking about removing the springs and looking at a close to bottom position with my present set-up,
....what beside the BLT are you doing, i never got around to the sno-tek front yet...CP
all the sleds are difernt cause of dif rate springs. the xtc rides higher cause the single rate spring teh sxr adn viper a little lower cause the multie rate springs. the MR springs have a softer spring rate for small pumps and stiffer rate for big bumps. the softer rate alows it to sit farther down when its just sitting where as the single rate makes it sit higher.
I was looking at some SkiDoo and Cat front shocks that mount with eyes on both ends. I ended up with a set of viper shocks. This is for my other sled. I assume that any travel that would go past bottoming the bulkhead is useless.

Terret725- I'm not sure that I understand your explanation. Useable travel is useable travel. The multi rate spring will allow different amounts of travel for different amounts of input force. But if both sleds have the same amount of jounce and rebound then there ride height will be the same.
also, different shocks have different stroke travel, when i first put viper shocks on my sx (41" ctr to ctr) and kept the stock control rods the sled set up higher and i had more toe in toe out thru the travel, picked up the wider aluminum rods and broght the sled down and better thru the travel....

.. was looking into going to more stroke of a shock and playing with the idea of a little wider and making brkt's that would except a eye to eye shock, piggy back or remote res. shocks are shorter length and getting the height right so the frame is off the ground at full compression....
Exactly what I was thinking. The 99MXZ and a couple of the ZR440 shocks were close. I have the shock dims at work.

Coldplay97 said:
also, different shocks have different stroke travel, when i first put viper shocks on my sx (41" ctr to ctr) and kept the stock control rods the sled set up higher and i had more toe in toe out thru the travel, picked up the wider aluminum rods and broght the sled down and better thru the travel....

.. was looking into going to more stroke of a shock and playing with the idea of a little wider and making brkt's that would except a eye to eye shock, piggy back or remote res. shocks are shorter length and getting the height right so the frame is off the ground at full compression....
