Turnagain Pass in Alaska


New member
Nov 11, 2006
Does anyone have or know where I can get a map of places to ride on Turnagain Pass? What is the elevation that I would most likely be riding? Thanks
I don't know of any maps of where to go, but here's a map of where NOT to go:

Winter Motor Vehicle Closure

And here's another site with elevations, and more importantly info on snow and avy conditions:

Turnagain Conditions

Riding areas are on the Northwest side of the highway. I've only been there a few times so others might have better directions on where to go. As you look at the mountains from the parking lot, off to the right there's a "trail" up and over the top that goes to another bowl, then there's a "trail" to another bowl.

If you've never been there, it's best to go with someone who has or tag up with someone in the parking lot. Watch out for creeks and holes, especially in flat light conditions.


I might be there Saturday, not sure yet - Yellow '02 Viper 144, ExpertX
The snow conditions up here in the interior are crappy, all wind blown and hard packed. So I'm having to explore other areas. Thanks for the info.
