Trade Warrior for Viper MTN?. Need opinions asap


New member
Jan 16, 2005
Hi guys!

Sorry for posting this in the "wrong" forum but there is much more activity here compared to the Mountain sled forum so I posted my thread here.

Here`s the story. One month ago I sold my SRX 136" 2" and bought a 2004 RX-1 Warrior. I was all blown away by the sound and looks.. . Took it for a ride on the mountain and when I got back home I was frustrated as hell.
The jump from the play-feeling of the SRX to the Warrior got too big. So I put it out for sale two days after I got it and since then there has been little activity on my phone, but this morning a guy called, he lives 3,5hours from me. He was willing to trade his 2003 (bought in 2004) Viper Mountain with 2700km`s on the clocks, mint condition, for my Warrior. I would also get 2300$ between.

Basically I was looking for a Mountain Max, but if this is the only offer I will get then I don`t want to let it go. I know the Viper MTN is a better mountain sled then the Warrior and the trade will also give me 2300$ that I can put into my loan.

Is the Viper Mountain a good sled?. It had reverse but didn`t have el start, but I think that is positive since it makes it lighter.

I would really appreciate some honest opinions on this one, it`s getting close to the end of the season and I would really like to get some last rides with a smile on my face.


If I decide to take it then I might be able to make the trade on Saturday.. .

OK redsnake3 thanks for your opinion! :).

So, the Viper ain`t worse then the MM?. Stupid question.. .

How is the handling compared to a MM?.

I guess the Viper handles more like the older sleds (thinking of the SXR, SRX, MM) compared to the newer fourstrokes?.

I kind of like that handling.. :).
im guessing the viper is a 144" track with 2 inch lugs? damnn lucky..we want pics of it. my buddy has one and is very pleased with his viper mtn

good luck kimoaj
Hi 92vwgti thanks for the info.. . Yes it`s te 144" with 2" lugs. I don`t have any pics of this particulary sled but I know how it looks from looking at pics on the net.

I think I will call the guy tomorrow and say that I`m willing to make a deal with him.. .
Should I`?.
How much does a 2003 Viper Mountain weigh?.
I`ve found some different numbers.. 489lbs .. 515lbs.. what`s correct?.

It doesn`t have electric start but it has reverse.
the mtn viper has 3" longer track and a lot more power.I would do the deal in a heart beat long as the sled was taken care of.Ask him if he ever cleaned the power valves.I'm not shure on the weight yamah posted all different weights and then in 05 when they put alot lighter skid i they said 515 well if the skid is way lighter how does the weight go up?The reverse is an extra 15lbs.It's still going to be lighter than your srx was.For your kind of riding style the way you describe and the pics you post this sled will be perfect.
kimoaj said:
How much does a 2003 Viper Mountain weigh?.
I`ve found some different numbers.. 489lbs .. 515lbs.. what`s correct?.

It doesn`t have electric start but it has reverse.
WAAAAY more than the 515 Yamaha tried to sell.

Stock its a heavy 120HP triple single which is basically a 600 class sled HP wise now. It'll be a step down powerwise from both the Warrior and the SRX but if you really wanted a MM it's got more power than that would have stock.

The 03 skis pretty much sucked in the powder, I don't know which skis are on the Warrior but you might try and make swapping them part of the deal if they are the mountain skis.

Pipes will really wake the Viper up but boost would make the Warrior a monster.

Book values here make the trade you are proposing a fair one,provided we are talking US dollars for the $2300.
I don't know why I feel the need to post these two pics Because I don't own a Viper, and I never even ridden one but I have always wanted one! So I think you should make the trade. :mrgreen: :yrules:


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if its in good condition get it man i have a viper and i love the thing. Granted its not a mountain sled but its a sled that i mesh with. kinda how you did with the srx.
That first pic is a MPI 151. The second is a 2005 with the ProMountain skid. While the sled you woul be getting is neither of these exactly it is quite similar. It is a very nice sled with a sweet engine. Not as sweet as the SRX engine but the suspension should be a little better for the off-trail. Now the 2005 skid (although I have never had one) is a much better skid for off-trail. I would make sure that it is a Mtn Viper, and not an extended Viper. If it is an extended Viper then make sure it is done right. The reason I question it is because of the reverse.
If you wanted a MM then the mtn viper would be a good sled for all the reasons mentioned. I really like mine, especially since going 151. If you do it, get the MPI transfer enhancement kit or make one, it made a huge difference. Also get some 05-up yami mtn skis or some powder pros, the stock skis on the 03's suck ***.

Ding makes a good point too, mtn vipers never came with reverse so check it out thoroughly before making the deal.
sounds like a fair trade and one that will benefit you with your off trail riding. imo, the mtn. viper is far superior to the warrior in deep snow manuverability/playing/carving etc.....the warrior is a great machine, just not for playing off trail. I have a mtn. viper and love it, over 11,000 miles and it flat out rocks.
Hi guys!

Thanks soo much to all of you for all the replies, this really makes it easier for me to make up my mind. This morning I called the guy and said that if would pay the registration fee on the Viper (when I get it) , then we had a deal. (oh btw, the fee is 430$ in Norway). He seemed to agree, but wanted to see the sled before he said YES, but the Warrior is in mint condition so I know that wount be a problem.

I was really eagering to make the trade tomorrow but the guy couldn`t because he was going somewhere:(.

But, on Tuesday we will meet and make the trade. He lives 300kilometers from me so we will meet on the "half way" .

He said the sled was 99% mint, I asked about the front suspension since I know they are weak, one of the trailing arms had a little dent but he had reinforced it so it was OK. I didn`t like to hear that.. but he said you couldn`t see it so it looked stock.
I also asked him if it was a stock MTN, and it was. The reverse was mounted afterwards.

I just came down from the mountain, rode with my standard-riding friends, the guy with the RS Vector MTN, his brother on the V-Max 4 and the viper guy with the Viper ER.
Had two scary incidents tonight.
I rode behind my friend with the Vector mtn, we were about to cross a half pipe looking huge ditch with a steep hill on the upper side. My friend crossed it and when I was about to ride over it a little avalanche developed, it went over my buddies trace. First I was afraid that my warrior would roll over in the avalanche but luckily it stopped just before it hit me. I may overdo it, it was only a little one, but I have never been in a such situation. My heart was pounding like hell and got quite scared.

Well everybody rode over it and then we were suppost to ride down to a place where to guys from the other side of the island were waiting on us. My friend with the Vector MTN tends to always ride first, he`s the best path finder and generally the best rider. He rode down a hill very slowly, I was maybe 25 meters behind him. I noticed that he braked alot and took it very gently. Suddenly he locked the track and slided sideways, desperately trying to stop, and then he was gone. I figured this was wierd, so I stopped. Then suddenly we saw him, he was waving to us and screaming "don`t go there don`t go there, cliff, cliff".
When I lost him visually he had jumped off the sled, the sled had done a frontflip down the cliff and landed the right way, but the windshield and the windshield mountings were all smashed. It was a 4meter cliff, below the cliff the ground got flat pretty fast so trying to jump it wouldn`t have made it better. I will shoot some pics of it tomorrow, was too dark tonight to get a shot.

Well anyway, on our way home I let the viper guy ride my sled and I rode the viper, I just wanted to feel how it was. I know a 121" Viper can`t be compared to a 144" but it`s better then not having tried a viper at all.
First of all, sidehilling. Gees. So much easier, I can sit without hanging on the sides, turn around if I want to, no problem at all. So much more stabile. (I`m talking about sidehilling hard packed snow). I know the more narrow ski stance of the MTN version will make it easier to tip, but still, the viper must have a lower point of gravity, it seems much more stabile.
The gentle feel of the clutch/engine, I don`t have to think of the thumb restriction as I go from a dead stop, like I do on the Warrior.
The seat, ahh my *** doesn`t jump around.

Only thing I miss is a nice sound, I have to get an aftermarked canister or some triple pipes.. .

Wellwell once again, thanks so much for the replies, really makes it easier for me:).

Hi guys!

Tomorrow is the "big day" . I just spoke to the guy who has the Viper Mountain and we agreed to meet at a huge parking lot (there`s diner etc.) and trade sleds, 12.00 tomorrow. It`s a 2,5 hour drive from me, about the same for him.
Only thing is, when I spoke to him tonight he said "I can`t guarantee that I will accept the deal, if we agree we agree, if we don`t we don`t ". I think it seemed silly because I aleady told him how much I wanted and he thought it was too much, so we agreed that 2300$ was OK. So why the sudden insecureness I don`t know but I guess he want`s to see the sled... which is understandable. Guess it`s easy for me to think like this since I know that the sled is in mint condition.

He also wanted to test ride it, but the thing is, I don`t know if it`s possible to ride where we meet.. . As some of you know snowmobiling is very illegal in Norway, so it`s kind of difficult to find a place to "test ride", especially when we meet at a place where non of us lives.. .

Wellwell I hope the Viper looks good.. .

Weather report sais it will snow at the end of the week.. .
I hope this weekend`s ride wasn`t my last.

Wellwell will keep you posted!.

