speedo key - what else is wrong?


New member
Jan 20, 2004
Peoria IL
I have a 97 Vmax SX700 and I have replaced the speedometer key twice. I have heard that there my be something else wrong causing this to happen (bearings?)

Does anyone know what could be causing this? What all will I need to replace?

Now that I am done riding for the year, it is a good time to do this before I put the sled to bed for the summer.

Thank you

I had a 97 sx700 that did the same thing up north. But sold the sled to friend of mines dad and fixed it, if I find out what he did I will let you know asap. I replaced 2 or 3 of those keys in less than 500 miles they kept breaking after riding for a while.
If the axle bearing is still good, Its probably the speedo gearbox, pull it off and spin it with the speedo key, feel for any catches or snags. They can go bad and will start hanging up a little.
Mine had aproblem with the gear reducer that the ket goes into.I was very hard to turn. I drilled a small hole in it and put WD-40 in it once in a while...solved the problem
Yamahasrx700 said:
Mine had aproblem with the gear reducer that the ket goes into.I was very hard to turn. I drilled a small hole in it and put WD-40 in it once in a while...solved the problem

Where did you drill the hole? What size?
If there is moisture in there it will freez while you set then twist the key when you take off.
Mine is starting to break keys as well. The bearing was new last season and is still good after inspection. While it was apart, me and the guys were bench sledding and all the while I was spinning the key in the housing. Well it finally 'locked up' after playing with it for 5 mins, like there was a bad spot on one of the teeth and it didn't mesh right. Never would have found it if the guys weren't there 'slowing' the process down. :) Now all I need to do is get a new/used housing.
I drilled a hole the size of the WD40 straw. I can’t remember exactly where, I don’t think it matters as long as it’s as high as you can get it. Be careful drilling, I believe the gears are plastic.
