MXzX 800r


New member
Feb 2, 2004
I don't know why but I think it looks awesome. 425lbs 150hp do you think it will break parts left and right? I do alot of ditch banging and it looks like it can handle the bumps! Torn between FX Nytro and this sled! Please talk me off the cliff! :bash:
That is such a hard call. They are both new and have many new features and parts with no consumer reports yet. I think the Yammie will hold up better and be a bit warmer. The XP is going to rip and your going to be able to toss it around like an old enticer. Sno tech's write on both sleds is very solid and metioned both had great handling and acceleration. The last thing they said about the XP was: will it hold up? They still questioned it after their 1000 mile test.
They are both going to be great sleds.I would use your own judge ment because most people that tell you what to get have never drove both.The 80r motor did have some crank issues in 07.Hopefully ski-doo fixed that but they offer 1 year warranty and 2 extra year engine warranty if you spring order it.So hey if something happens your under warranty.I would get what ever one you would think suits your riding style best.
what pro116 said ^^^^^ you will always feel better fixing something you wanted than fixing something you only bought for this or that reason.

One thing to thin of is that at 425 lbs they may be great for ditch riding - but if they get thrown arund by the bumps you'll be tired before the guy on the heavier sled.

A buddy told me once to never buy a first year of anything. I think I'd have to agree with him.
If ski-doos didn't have so many problems Id want one. Lighter is better and the laws of physics dont change but what good is 425lbs if it doesnt run during these short seasons? I hope things get better for ski-doo, theres not many companies making sleds and I hate to hear bad things about any brand.
I agree COMPLETELY with the above statement. may ride great, but if you need a tow... thats what makes me nervous. if I am paying that much, I dont want to have to worry
Although I had to miss out on my early seat time on the new SkiDoos, several guys I know felt that the new chassis has a lot of potential. They did feel that the prototypes had several weak areas and showed a lot of stress within the first few hundred miles. I trust BRP will address these issues at the cost of increased weight, but still don't know if I would go with this first year sled. Engine issues have plagued the 800r, and there is a lot of concern over whether or not they have all been addressed. Only time will tell on those issues. Based upon my limited seat time on the Nytro and significant seat time on the previous Rev (before XP), the new Nytro is better in several areas. Without having ridden the new Rev XP I can't really make that comparison. I do like the idea that the 2007 Phazer had a year to test the FX chassis out before putting a higher horsepower engine in it. I also question the wisdom of releasing the new XP chassis with the 800r engine in it the first year.

My conclusion: The first year Nytro could very easily be a better overall product than the first year Rev XP. I will also say that that particular model Rev is closer to a race sled than the Nytro will be the way they come from the factory. Also power to weight ratio may likely be significantly better with the Rev. That said the Nytro has incredible torque for a 130HP class sled.
Get what you're gut tells ya not you're buddies. I'm a firm believer in buy what you want and like and if you make a poor decision then there is no one to blame but you and chalk it up to life experience.
