OT Jetting Q's for an '01 YZ or WR 426


Triple Piped 700 Triple
Mar 15, 2006
S.E. Michigan
Hey guys,
I know this is off topic here, but, I went to the other areas of the site and couldn't find a dirt bike or MX section(maybe shoulda posted this in the ATV section).... any how...
I am looking to find some jetting specs for my '01 wr that I have uncorked with a complete Pro Circuit pipe (head pipe to silencer) and seem to have a rough time figuring out how it should be jetted,P-C doesn't offer jetting recommendations for this bike and pipe combo.
If you have one of these monsters did you change the pilot jet, needle or nozzle(atomizer tube) and how big of a main did you go to, and do you notice changes in performance with the changes in the weather? Thanks in advance. Tracy
