SRX M-10 Conversion questions???

Silver Bullet

New member
Feb 1, 2005
Appleton, WI
I've read a lot on this forum about people converting to M-10 suspension for better travel and more comfortable ride. I found out my father in law has a M-10 unused in his garage I can have. I have a 99SRX. What are the steps to convert will it bolt to std holes or do I have to drill new holes in certain locations. Will it change any of the clearances of the track - I have a studded track with short lugs <1". I'm trying to decide if this is a project I can tackle. Thanks for the info.


Converted my 99 SRX 4 years ago. Installed 136" M10 with 1 1/2" camoplast paddle track. A new kit comes with a template - yes you will have to drill new holes. On mine I had to make aluminum spacers to fit in the gap between the tunnel and the M10 skid. I removed all of the stud protectors and have about 1/2" clearance from the front heat exchanger (remember that's with a 1 1/2" track). I found that I was goin thru hyfax pretty fast and I broke 2 axles. Replies on this site said to run the track loose and install a 2000 or newer axle. (There were problems with pre 2000 SX chassis axles). Last year I added extrovert drivers and an axle from a 2001 SRX - now I run the track with about 2" slop. 500 miles so far and hyfax still look brand new. I love the M10. This summer I think I'm adding extensions and a 151" track. If you have any questions, you can PM me. We've done 3 sleds so far. Good luck
M10 Install Here is some instructions on installing one in a Viper. There are a few people I have talked to about it cuz I have one just have to put it in.
