New member
I'll be putting the ol' vipe away for summer hybernation, how do I go about "fogging" the sled and what to use? Haven't done it before and was wondering how you go about doing this and if there is any tricks to it.Thanks guys!
look under summer storage tips ( a post a few days ago)
New member
New member
Don't bother fogging.. Never done it once to my sleds. They all ran fine the following season. Just clean it up, put some stabil and it will be fine. Fogging is a pain in the *** and oh yes, put a little marvel mystery oil in each cylinder.
blue missile
New member
fogging coats everything in the base i recommend it. makes it hard to start in the fall but you'll know nothing rusted over the summer. i usually use br9es to start once all the gunk is cleared i put in the ecs's.
New member
How i'm doing my SRX is pulling the air box off and getting 3 cans of
fogg and let 'er have it...
fogg and let 'er have it...