128x13.5 in SRX?

Roost 'Er

Dec 13, 2006
Flamborough, ontario
anyone thrown a F7 rear suspension and track in a proaction sled....just curious...im used to cat and ride with all cats so im more familar with there skids and this track and skid set-up offers really good bite as well as really good trasfer...
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i am not a fan of the 13.5" wide. seems like it would provide less traction being alot more skinny, and i have rode with a number of 13.5 f cats and they get stuck alot in the deep snow because of a serious lack of floatation. Might work for your application though, everyone is different.
I would think it would make your sled less STABLE when cornering which is something SRX's are KNOWN for. If it was me Id stick with the 15in wide and extend to a 136in.
I think I'm going to put one in my srx.I plan on using the sled for mostly lake racing.I wouldn't recomment the 13.5" track for trail riding it's make the sled tippy.I would stay with 15" wide.
ive ridden F7's and i know the feel... with the front end up it does get a bit tippy but the suspension is a rocket for racing.... i know arnies cat house who is big into racing puts them in most of his zrt/zrs..... im basically looking for better ride...without sacrificing any speed

in 660 drags only lost to a couple sleds one being the new APEX.... i was constantly 1 sled behind.... but the starting line was 2' of snow so i buried the rear each time trying to get traction then once i hit hard pack i took off

and expertx for some reason i am not confient in my srx handling.... it doesn't stay planted in the corners.....the inside ski has lift and it pushes... im thinking C&A's or simmons then adjust my ohlins a bit... also how much speed would i lose with the 136.... i love powder riding so was thinking 136 but i value speed alot more and next year plan on racing drags alot more

also im jsut feeling my options.... its toss up between m10, expert-x, edge, cat 15in or cat 13.5..... the major advantage of the last 3 is the price.... i could either of those three and still have enough money for a hacksaw 1" opposed to the m10 or expert-x
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