What About Shimming up my cylinders?


New member
May 19, 2003
Churchill Falls,NL, Canada
Hey guys, i just rebuilt one of my old 1983 Enticer 340 motors and noticed before I put the head back on the piston don't go down far enough to meet up with the bottom of the exhaust port like my other engines do. Why is this? I was thinking on using a shim between two gaskets under each cylinder to move the exhaust port up closer to the bottom of the piston for more power and cut my head down the same amount, maybe 20 or 30 thous. What do you guys think on this? Thanks in advance for any input you have on me doing this............

Also while I had the cylinders off, i sharpened the bridge between the two transfer ports on the bottom side (looking up) of the cylinders, it was very ugly and now is more smooth and narrower, I also cleaned up the poor castings in the intake and exhaust port areas. never removed access material, just cleaned it up basically.
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the problem with shimming a cylinder up is you add deck clearance to the engine, you add exh timing and transfer port timing and added deck clearance ruins the heads turbulence and the squish,compression. You can cut the head down but you will still have bigger deck clearance unless you deck the top of the cylinder to get back down. The less deck clearance the better, the ring works better the higher up in the cylinder it is, less space fromt top of piston crown edge to ring top and wasted charge is trapped in that space.
