Grip / Handwarmer


VIP Member
May 14, 2003
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Last ride of the year I was having fun hanging off the right side of my sled doing a little sidehill action. Was great until I pulled the grip right off the bar. The rivet that holds it on ripped through the rubber. What do guys use to stick them back on? I have heard hairspray, but it is pretty loose when you shove it back on so I'm not sure that will work very well. Any other suggestions??

Also, the oil comsumption is way too high. I have played with it for a while, throttle free play is 2mm, cable gap is 23mm, so I think the pump may be wearing out. Is there replacable parts in the pump? It also looks like a serious PITA to get at. Am I going to have to pull the motor to change it? This is on a 97 700SX
How much is way too high??, some 97's had mag side bearing problems,
so if it were me i would welcome a little more oil..
