Question - Ohlins center shock repair (pic)


New member
Dec 8, 2004
Sylvan Lake, Michigan
Do you guys think this is repairable? It was off a buddy's 03' RX-1 and said it's for the pro action, but we couldn't figure out why it was rubbing on the track to creat the hole in the res. The oil drained out, obviously. I should be able to out this in my Viper...right? Any thoughts as to why it was rubbing? Do you think I'll see any noticeable ride improvement? I am running stockers right now that were just revalved...500 miles ago. Will I need to replace the front, rear shock if I run this one?

Sorry for the silghtly blurry pics, but you get the idea.


  • Hole in Ohlins shock - resize.jpg
    Hole in Ohlins shock - resize.jpg
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  • Ohlins shock whole - resize.jpg
    Ohlins shock whole - resize.jpg
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  • Top of Ohlins Shock - resize.jpg
    Top of Ohlins Shock - resize.jpg
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Daman - Shit I dunno, that's why I'm asking you guys. It does appear to be Alum. I sent the pics to Bruce at Pioneer (he's out today), but hopefully it can be fixed, cast effectively. I got the shock for free (cousin's and he sold his sled). New, it's a 400.00 shock.
I'm no expert either but one would think it could be welded, just throwing
out ideas,good luck,yea pricy shock at the least...
I would just replace the reservoir. Email Ohlins support and ask them. I would also take better pics, so we can see it better.
you can replace the resivior. Before you run it again change the top wheels to 7.5 inch wheels. if you don't it will happen again. Maxdlx
same thing happend to me. u need to put 7.5 wheels on top. the rear wheels off like a mid 90s doo work nice. i got mine fixed and rebuilt for 225 bucks. i think a resivor is 60 and the body is 130. have to replace both theres like 3000psi when the shock is workin no jb weld will work even getting welded will prolly not hold up. it was rubbing on the inner track drive nobs. and thats not the center shock right its the rear loks like a prx or pcr 46 right?
that isn't a center shock it is a rear. the center won't acomadate a resivior. They will tell you it isn't nessacary for the 7.5 inch wheels, but you can see what happens. Maxdlx

ps by looking at the pictures the shock was put on wrong too. The resivior has to go on the right side standing behind the sled, it is made to tip down some that way. this one had to have the res on the left tipping it up some into the track. Maxdlx
The people I have spoken with and the research that I have done seems to say that you'll see a incremental improvement in ride with that shock,seeing its free I'd say fix it and run it.Some people who did Ohlins all around and paid full price told me they would'nt do it again on the proaction.For the expense to buy those shock at 400 a piece or so you could get a different suspension that will work much better.The real problem with the proaction is in the geometry not the shocks in my opinion, but for free, run it ohlins are sweet shocks though, I'd like to have 'em in my m-10, but can't really knock the fox zero pro's.
