Paint & plastic side panels


VIP Member
May 2, 2003
Elk Mound, Wisconsin
Anyone ever paint the plastic side panels on and SX or SRX?
If so, did the paint stick? How did you get it to stick? What kind of paint did you use?
I would like to change the color of the side panels on my SX to a color that is not standard for any Yamaha sleds with the same type of panels adn I am running into some issues with the body shops not knowing what type of paint to use and/or how to prep the surface.
check out the four-stroke side. a lot of fellas who painted their sled pannels and say they look great after a couple seasons now. one guy painted his yamaha blue and another did gloss black (only two i can think of off the top of my head). i'm sure they can help you out with the process.
for one krylon fusion is available not sure how it will hold up to uv rays but i did my windy with it and only time will tell. or go to a auto body supply shop or someplace that sells car paint. they have special primers an additives that go in paint to make it stick and be flexible. just think of this my saturn dosent have a lick of plastic showing on the outside and it's all painted.
painted my sidepanels on my SXR600 last year and it still looks good.I believe I used a paint of course that was good for plastic,don't remember the brand.It didn't need primer either.Just make sure the panels are washed super clean first.It was also fast drying,letting me get numerous coats on the same day.The Krylon paint is also great.It can bdone.
if you have ever put wax or armor all or something of this type on there you need to make sure it all clean as previously posted. this will ruin you paint job in a hurry. fisheyes, fisheyes, fisheyes
