Hey guys how many of you are going for the new nitro Rtx?


New member
Mar 31, 2007
Who is going to get the Nitro RTX .. What are you comming of??? This is my first post in here.. Im always in HCS but under a diff Name..

im either geting the nytro rxt or the phazer rtx. only thing thats gonna make uo my mind is how much money i can swing or how much i can get for my sxr 700.

by the way welcome to the site ull love it here
WELL IM Making a big change I have had Cats for the last 10 years and my last yammi was a 85 Phazer. Contrary to what some may think i have not had a single problem with any of my Cats not even a blown belt.. But i think its time for me to switch i have been waiting for a 4 stroke mogal masher that can handle the trail junk and handle well and from what i have been hearing about the new Nitro Rtx it sounds like its going to meet my expectations.
I snow checked a fx nytro. I test rode a nytro rtx and its a true ditch banger stiffer suspension i didnt like that so i go the regular nytro
I have bought a new yammie sled every year since 1997. I think I am more pumped up on this nytro out of anything I bought including my 98 SRX.
