Enterpise Survey


New member
Apr 4, 2007
I am doing a business plan for my enterprise class and have to complete some primary research. My business is a snowmobile safety device manufacturing company. It is based on snowmobilers so if the members of this site could fill out this survey it'd be a great help.

Enterprise Survey
(Please put a X in the box of the selected Answer: Ex. Yes ( X ) )

1. Do you own / operate a snowmobile?

Yes ( ) No ( )

2. How many snowmobiles do you own?

0-2 ( )
2-4 ( )
4+ ( )

3. What year is your newest snowmobile?

1970-1989 ( )
1990-1998 ( )
1999-2003 ( )
2003+ ( )

4. Per year, how many times do you ride your snowmobile?

0-10 ( )
11-30 ( )
30+ ( )

5. What is your main use for a snowmobile?

Work ( )
Racing ( )
Jumping ( )
Trail Riding ( )

6. Per year, how much do you spend on snowmobile activities?
I.E. ( gas, oil, parts, etc.)

$0-500 ( )
$501-1500 ( )
$1501-3000 ( )
$$3000+ ( )

7. Do you purchase aftermarket parts for your snowmobile?

Yes ( ) No ( )

( If answered NO continue at question 10)

8. How much per year do you spend on aftermarket products?

$0-100 ( )
$101-500 ( )
$500+ ( )

9. What type of aftermarket products do you purchase?

Performance ( )
Cosmetic/ Visual ( )
Safety ( )
Comfort ( )

10. Do you consider safety an important aspect of snowmobiling?

Yes ( ) No ( )

11. Do you use your snowmobile’s tether cord while riding?

Yes ( ) No ( )

12. How much would you be willing to spend to make operating a snowmobile safer?

$0-25 ( )
$26-90 ( )
$91+ ( )

13. Do you participate in snowmobile racing?

Yes ( ) No ( )

( If answered NO continue at question 15)

14. What type of racing do you partake in?

Drag Racing ( )
Snow-Cross ( )
Hill Climb ( )
Endurance ( )

15. Do you consider yourself an extreme snowmobile rider?

(I.E. Hitting jumps and/or racing )

Yes ( ) No ( )

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Please send your answers to either:



Private Message (P.M.)

Please note your e-mail address and/or identity will not be released in any way shape or form.
My business plan is due tomorrow so there is no need for anyone else to fill out the survey. I'd like to thank everyone who helped me out and filled out a survey, really appreciate it.
