Ice Ripper!!!!!!!


VIP Member
Sep 1, 2006
redford, mi
Thinkin about gettin the ICe Ripper for the old Iron 97 vmax xtc 600. I did do a search on the topic and found some intresting stuff. First of all I do not want to change tooth drivers, or gearing!!! I read a post of a guy that had the same sled as mine. THere was a reply of him having to change drivers and gears. And then there was a reply from I believe a guy that changed out his track on his 97 and said that you did not have to change anything!! HMMM can anyone answere this for me. But I would like to go with 1.25 instead of stock. Thanks for the replies in advance.

you can run that track in your sled, just remove your guards. my other comment is this track is a waste of money, it has less traction on the ice than 96 studs, if that is possible.

use a 1in anything with studs will be better on the ice.for the sled you have, the extra traction of a 1 1/4 is going to be unnoticable compared to a 1in with studs.
Thanks for the reply Scott. I am intrested in mostly off trailin and some trail riding. Very rarely am I on ice. Except for you know those icy corners. lol. You think this will be ok for the ridin I like to do? Just lookin for suggestions and all are welcome. I think the stock track is 1.18.
Chad the stock track on your sled is 3/4".Tod(onlyblue) love his track he has it on Karnes vector too.It gives you just egnough in the corners so you don't spin out.The ice ripper has better traction than the rip saw off trail too because the top of the lugs are connected because of the studs and on the rip saw there not connected.Like betherviper said just remove any protectors if you have any in and just put the track in.
mine also fell apart at 500mls. when riding down the ice, you can move the sled sideways with your weight shifted side ways, just like unstudded sleds, that is how good it works. maybe i installed it inside out??????
I have two of the ice rippers, one on my wifes 05 vector with 1800 miles, track looks brand new..... one on my attak, 1200 miles again looks brand new.... i love the way the ice ripper handles... reminds me of almost 144 studs in a 1 inch track (that was the combo on the 00 sxr i had).... it is NOT a lake racing set up, it IS a trail track... works excellent.... i have not noticed any side to side movement in the sled that I did not want to have.... if you really want to slide a little around a corner, you can, it takes a little effort, but definately way ahead of an unstudded track.

IMO, the ice ripper is the only track i will have on any sled i own..... i would love for camo to come out with it in a 1.5 inch lug for the attak, but beggers cant be choosers... it is a GREAT track, and should be offered by as Original Equipment by all manufacturers.

It helps under acceleration, and definately is a huge improvement over unstudded in braking. American Snowmobiler TV did a show on them.... if i remember the numbers, they used identical sleds.... acceleration tests were like cpl of sled lengths, braking were within a few feet.... same speeds, same spot, etc......

if anyone has any questions or would like feedback on the ripper, pm me, i have had it on the vector for 2 yrs, and the attak since brand new.....
Thanks guys for your info. Onlyblue I think you showed yours to me at the giveaway ride. I will have till about August to decide. Thanks for all the replies.
I have the Iceripper and just turned 3000 miles and it is junk falling apart all over It was not put on by me.Scott i need your advice what should i get
Davey my favorite track is the six pitch it's probaly one of the most durable tracks too.
pro116 said:
Davey my favorite track is the six pitch it's probaly one of the most durable tracks too.

Yup i agree, the six pitch predator is a great track. The hacksaw is awesome as well.
personally what i would do...... your gonna have to take the average width and multiply that by the number of studs then calculate in the pitch times the hieght of the lugs along with the addition of the number of tooth drivers..... then divide that by the nuber of miles traveled minus the average speed squared!...... still with me here?..... when all that is calculated multiply that by pie~ and THAT MY FRIEND ..... will give you the exact answer you are looking for!!! any time you need help with a question like this again can count on me for a proper and correct answer!! to the best of my ability that is! :rofl:
by the way..... do you have problems with your hi-fax wearing down? or your carbides? how many sets are you going through per year? i seemed to burn through them alot this year!
I did your math Mark and now I have my answere thank you for the help. And guys it is not that hard just do the math. I knew you would come throu Mark thanks again.I did mess up at the end when I was suppposed to multiply by pie~.( I forgot that pie was 3.14 Damn).I have not had to replace my hyfax this year. In fact at the rate that these hyfaxes are wearing down I may make it through next year as well. lol. HMMMMMM but one side is wearing out a tad bit quicker then the other side. Whats up with that.
you can run that track in your sled, just remove your guards.

If you remove the tunnel protection, wouldnt the studs contact the tunnel and heat exchangers? What is going to keep them from hitting when the track balloons? I know the studs arent very tall , but I would think they would still do their share of damage.
Scott, is this the way you ran yours and did you notice any issues?
crewchief47 said:
you guys should really use PI, not pie, it will give you a more accurate # ;)
:rofl: :rofl: got it! thanks! i'm a mathemetician not an english major! lol.... just kidding! any and all help with any and all matters is greatly appreciated! lol.... thanks for starting this thread chad, it has turned out to be pretty fun!
wait till you guys see my new truck i bought! it is sweet! i'll get pics of it soon!
