Will I be happy with a mountain sled on trails?


Lifetime Member
Dec 20, 2004
Windsor, ON CAN
I'm 98% sure I'm getting a non-smoker this year. I love my Venture conversion(136") and wouldn't be afraid to do the same thing to an RS Venture(144"). IE: Nytro seat and bar risers. This makes me wonder if I'd be fine on a 153" or 162" with the track cut down to 1-1.25"? We do mostly trail riding in Ontario but one of the gang is moving to North Bay and another has a cottage near Bancroft which is very near alot of crown land. I want to get into more off trail stuff and have been considering an Apex Mountain for all around use. I currently ride about 85-90% trail if you include TY rides. Technically it's only 9 more inches on the snow than the RS Venture and has the tipped up rails. Will I really notice the extra length on the trail with a cut down track??? I realize I'll need to address slider issues and ski stance related handling but our group, as a whole, has slowed down over the years and only 'act up' a couple of times per trip, so I'm not 'overly' concerned about railing corners.

The TY rides are another area where I wouldn't mind having the longer skid.

With the Vector. I'd have to buy the wide skis, a seat and bar risers. With a mountain, I'd have to add wheels/scatchers and widen skis out ot the max adjustment.

What do you all think? Anybody try this themselves and decided they made a bad choice after trying it???

the Nytro and Apex MTX rails are tipped at the 136 point, so track wise they are "shorter" than the Venture unless those rails are tipped as well. Ice scratchers will suffice for the lug height issue as long as snow conditions are good. I have had no problems in the Hornepayne/Dub/Mani area for trail riding. As Mtn sleds have the narrow front ends, body english or getting a wider front end will work decent. A true trail sled may be faster, but nobody leaves me in the dust, and when its play time (most of the time) I'm good to go
You will be fine on the trail with a mtn sled. If you are 90% trail then i would probably keep it to 151-153 and not go to the 162. Hell i ride in the mountains and i dont find a 162 necessary. And like grape said, ice scratchers will help a lot with the lug height/slide wear.
crewchief.I had my apex mtn with a cut down track to 1" and the thing was awesome.Just put some bigger wheels on or ice scrathers to save on the hyfax.
If you plan on doing mostly trail riding I would put a wide front end on.
Cuz, then I can ride it . . . :rofl:

Seriously though, having ridden with you, I am very sure you would like a Mountain
YA Ian, get one. We'll need a tractor again next season!! Shoot, go buy it now and I will meet you in MUNI!!!

:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:
For the areas you are describing anything more than a 136 would be overkill, if you ride the trails hard up in North Bay the rails won't last too long, this winter past they were 80% rough all year. I would say run a 136 with 1.75" or 2" lug that way you get better flotation, better handling and more strength.
obsessed a 151" or 162" track witha 1" lug is going ing to give your more flotation than a 136" you have more sq per inches on the ground than a 136" with a 2" track.I had a 136"x2" track sometimes on my vector before I got my apex mtn.Your slides will last longer with a shorter lug height on any legnth of suspesion oveer a 1 3/4" or 2" track.I have had them both I'm just talking from expeirence.Ian there are quite a few guys with 151" sleds that ride strictly trail and off trail (no Mountains) and they put 151" ripsaws on.
I've ran 136, 151, and currently a 144 here in MN. Never had a problem keeping up with the guys on the trail and when we head off trail guess who gets to lay the first tracks down. 1.25, 1.75 and 2 inch lugs. Just have to pay attention to the snow and get used to what your riding.
Thanks for the feedback guys, it helped some.
You'll notice a change in my signature pic. I spring ordered a school bus. I was happy with the effort the dealer made in price. He came down to 13,200 Canadian and I unloaded the Vmax 600 Dlx on him. Now I only have to sell/part the Vmax Rage.
:jump: :jump: :jump:
SO Ian, this means we follow YOU when boondockin' EH!! I really believe that this sled would suit the way I ride at this time. Just have to sell a few of the SMOKERS off to buy it!!
Thanks guys! Trying to figure out if I'll need one or two extra pairs of wheels. I'm thinking at the rubber bump stop area and possibly near the rail curve near the front, although I can run this track pretty loose with the Extroverts on there. Gotta spend my yamabucks somehow. :)

Dave: Not sure following me is a good choice at any time ;) . I hope Peg didn't see you type that 'sell some smokers' part, she might hold you to it. LOL
I would replace all 6 wheels with polaris 5.35" wheels that will save your hyfax bi time.If you add them you will have no problem.Maybe put a set of hyfax save wheel kits on the front rails.
